New to fitness pal

2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
So I am very straight forward and I dont want FP friends that are going to be whiny, sympathetic, or enablers to my fatness. I would prefer to have friends that are honest and loud like me that will say....hey fatty wtf are you doing? Stop messing up you are better than that. Friends who can lol about their situation because they know they are improving it and not dwelling on it and using it for excuses in their life. OH! and friends that don't use lame excuses like..oh there is just so much going on in my life,blah,blah,blah.....I want serious, motivated,strong willed, intelligent, independent friends who will be funny,witty, and tell it like it is. Thick skinned people that I can log into and see daily because it is just nice to have that in my life. None of my fat friends I live near care to get healthy so I will have to bug some of you people lol If you would like to be my BFFF (best fat friend forever) then add me, if not good luck to you on your journey I know for a fact I am going to succeed :D


  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    Feel free to add me. Just deleted a whiner from my friends list. Tired of the constant need for others to pick her up! We all need support, but to get support, then say well I suck and it wont last, BYE!
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    What a great way to get started. I've added a few "friends" only to delete them quickly due to just such a thing.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Ugh! Alright, if you feel that you just HAVE to have someone to bug, then you can add me.

    You're profile pic say that you love've already scored point with me there.

    ( I'm sarcastic and so is most of my own FL, so consider yourself warned )
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I've been on MFP a while (on and off) and not really done alot with "friends" on here - so maybe thats why I keep coming back fat :)

    Welcome - good luck!
  • More than happy to empower you but probably won't ever call you fatty. Let me know if you're down with that :)
  • Searley_Pants
    Searley_Pants Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am just back dieting again after a couple of weeks off and I am having to be very stern with my diet, so I know how it feels to need the proper encouragement, not allowed to make excuses!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I added the people I think I wont clash with and SS tot he guy who cant call me didn't make the cut. Like I said I need thick skinned ppl who know words are words and without the meaning you give them they mean nothing. For the other 2 I didn't add it is because I don't want a half time FP friend who doesn't check in daily atleast....I often have a lot of stupid questions that need answers because in my old age I have either forgotten the answer or have never experienced it lol I love to rant so if you like to read rant blogs I will be a good FPF. I wonder how many calories I burn rant typing?..............................
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
  • juliacougarrrr
    juliacougarrrr Posts: 48 Member
    hahahaha First of all I LOVE your name!! Cause that is how I felt about it but I wasn't when I tried the C35K running program, so if you like to run, or even are considering it, I could be very motivating!! (and I would love someone who could motivate me in return!) I have learnt some things here in my week of MFP (like about BMR and TDEE ) that I didn't know before and I can't freaking WAIT to get to my goal. I KNOW it's possible and the only thing that could possibly stand in my way is me. So like you, I want people around me who will keep it real and call me on my *kitten*. I'm pretty good at nagging people out of love....just ask my family. LOL So if we sound compatible add me...:wink:

    edited to say: I LOVE reading rant posts!
  • TheHamAmbergler
    TheHamAmbergler Posts: 13 Member
    You are exactly the person I need! I will be strict with you, and if I see your losing your "mojo" to diet, I will tell you to step it up. I encourage you to do the same to me! People who are too sympathetic actually hurt, more than help... Sometimes people need to be told to stop being a fatty.
  • allbomb
    allbomb Posts: 14 Member
    You can all add me, I don't whine, but I do like to joke around.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    1. Change your name. You are NOT too fat for anything. It is all in the attitude my friend.
    2. Get off the couch and move. Maybe just to the corner walking today, but get up and go.
    3. Set goals, hold yourself accountable. The rest of us will support you, but you alone have to appreciate yourself enough to make this change.
    4. Have your doc or health practictioner clear you for activity. They may recommend a nutritionist or a single session personal trainer to get you started.
    5. If the weather is bad outside, don't wimp, workout inside. If you have kiddos, the two or four legged kind :smile: have them workout with you. This may be true outside too. Inside the house the 'kids' might be your weights, resistance, or partners. Be creative. I used to walk at the city parks. Our girls on the playground and me walking a circle around the park to keep an eye on them.

    1.I like my name it suits me to the T..I am too fat to run....and waiting to get light enough to run so I dont break my ankles.....was taken lol I dont know if it was taken but it is too long ....I have enough attitude for like 10 ppl 5 bad and 5 good lol Depends if you pet or poke me which tude you get.
    2.I exercise everyday and I do not invite my couch to partake in my activities it is a lazy POS and has held me back for too many years to think it would make a good work out partner is ridiculous!
    3.I have goals they are at the bottom of my calorie count thingy and i try to meet them everyday. I have no choice but to be accountable unless someone ties me to the above mentioned couch and shoves ho ho's down my throat all day and then ties me to the bed and that goes on forever day after day.....seriously.....have you read my profile? Just because I am fatter than ever doesn't mean I do not appreciate myself. I am still me whether I am fat or thin I know because I used to be thin I wa a rude blunt *kitten* back then too lol Yes the support is a plus I need ppl to tell me to get off my *kitten* and go from time to time but I also need them to expect the same push back (FFS if I am working hard your *kitten* is gonna too!) So ding ding ding you get a cookie for that one!
    4.I cant afford to go to the doctor but if you would like to pay for the visit I will call and set up an appointment. Same goes for the nutritionist and personal trainer.....I go to the gym every time I can when my brothers friend who has a membership has a day off and drags me along. I cant afford a membership I am addicted to bingo lol
    5. When it rains I do circuit training in house but I really prefer to be out walking and since I am too fat to run I have no choice but to walk my poor ankles get sprained just from walking up stairs or any quick motion lol I am starting out slow and paced and today was the first day since monday I am pretty much no longer sore :D

    For further posts I suggest if you read this and want to share you read my profile maybe even my blog then respond.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    1 week weigh in lost 4 lbs If you are willing to work hard and not make excuses we can make this journey together. All whiners and excuse makers need not reply or add me I am serious as a heart attack. I will support you and give daily positive reinforcement for all your met goals and I expect the same for the most part because It is very easy for me to sit on my *kitten* and not do a damn thing and then that leads to eating and so on. So I need hard *kitten* like me as BFFF's