

  • hey essbe, Well just nausea but not blowing chunks. Got the official confirmation from the drs yesterday, (before you can get referred for all the maternity stuff you have to an offical hospital test...like you would lie about it!) so off to see the midwife on friday morning and really nervous..but really excited as I will…
  • hi there angie I have yet to see my doctor but I am thinking I am between 4-6 week pregnant. Nice to know that being scared is normal as I am absolutely bricking it. This will be my first and you could fit my family in a phone box so no real experience with kids...so if you need support think nothing of adding me! :wink:
  • cheers for that help, all you gals have been great! :flowerforyou:
  • Hell yes I freaked out too!!! Didn't think I would catch so quickly. Yes I am only approximately four weeks but I am soooo tired, it really is difficult to maintain the exercise but yes in the past month I lost a scary 9lbs where as before I thought I had reached a plateau. So yes I think it is possible to lose weight but…
  • I am so glad I have found this forum group. I have so far lost 19lbs on MFP since January. But my impetus changed last tuesday when I found out I am approximately 4 weeks pregnant. I now want to keep a healthy pregnancy weight rather than lose weight and still want to continue my new found level of activity. Who would have…
  • me too...i'm never going to lose my belly!
  • What is the inferno plan? Had a bad day today.Need to lose weight!!!
  • Well I am a new one on here as well. You sound exactly what I have been through. For most of my adult life I have been on one diet or another and just come to the conclusion that the only way to lose weight is to eat less and more healthy and do more...if only it was that simple!!!! Will be here to motivate you as much as…