Zabarilla Member


  • Its harder to notice the changes our body is going through when look in the mirror every day. With that said looking at your before and current picture you can see a big difference. Especially in your hip area. Keep up the great work.
  • Great job!
  • Haha Way to go picking the positive out of her statement rather than focusing on what could be taken as negative. I always lose in the chest last. But for some, like me and seems like you, the suckers just don't go away. Haha Congrats on making progress.
  • I find it just about impossible to find Bra's or sports bra's that fit me. Especially since having my daughter. Currently I measure as a 36 G and I'm only five foot. So every stinking underwire anything Jabs into my arm pits. Or they don't make it small enough around for that cup size. Or the arm straps are too wide for my…
  • Amazing and inspiring. Way to go!!
  • I just cook what I want for the most part. When I do cook meals he would prefer I just tweak my calories durning the day. But for the most part I had to stop listening to him and ignore/ cut back on the junk brought into the house. My husband is supportive of me wanting to lose weight and get healthy. He is my cheerleader.…
  • "Oh it's just baby fat! Eat whatever you want it will come off eventually." Uh huh...
  • Well today I went over my calories. Not by a whole lot but it was still over. It was an emotionally hard day so on that note I'm proud I only went 63 over. Normally emotional = a whole lot of junk food. So I shall try and salvage this day by thinking positive. I did not give into my old bad eating habbits! Woot!
  • I'm right there with you as well. I wasn't allowed to do much physically while I was pregnant with my daughter. I also got pupps while I was pregnant which caused stretch marks from all the itching I did in my sleep. All that was compounded by my anxiety and depression which has been out of control for a year now. I'm…
  • Today was a cheat day. I had a sprite BUT I only had one and it didn't really taste as good as I was expecting it to. Bummer on one hand but WOOHOOO on another. My hardest thing with this (not just this challenge but in general) is eating all of my calories. I'm either a wayyy under or I'm going to blow it out of the…
  • Princesshoagie: You are very right. The greatest weight loss I had came because of riding. Thats also when I was in the best shape of my life. I ache so badly for those days again. Granted that was 2hrs + or riding each day. Not counting the barn work and training and everything else in between. I dropped 6 pant sizes in…
  • I'm in. I've already cut out fast food. Soda is easy for me to ignore since finding out I'm allergic to red dye and its a plus that I love water. My biggest downfall is emotional eating. Over all this sounds like a great way to ease into a healthier way of life.
  • Love the list. I'm going to print it out and put it on the fridge.
  • For me its a combination of emotional eating and being bored. I'm a stay at home mom as well but I have extreamly bad anxiety and panic attacks that meds do nothing for. Well unless I want to be a blob drooling on the couch and thats just not a life I want to live. I have my beautiful baby girl to care for. This past year…
  • I own two Quarter horses. I live in southern cali. Right now I'm really trying to work on my confidence again. Not a clue how or why I lost it. No accidents or anything. Plus I want to lose weight. Makes the riding easier. I started off riding western (just trail) but switched to dressage. LOVE IT!! This year my goals is…
  • I personally would watch inches over weight. When I was in the best shape of my life I was 160lbs and a size 6. For the first time in my life I had a flat tummy and everything was tight. I looked like 120lbs (I'm five foot). When I started that journey I was 145lbs and in a size 12. I was in horrible shape and spilling…