

  • JM is not to scary, hehe and no, like someone was saying before just a yoga mat for comfort and a set of hand weights.. I personally add ankle weights now but I worked up to that.. You will love it, don't question, just do it! Good Luck!!!!! :)
  • I LOVE 30 DAY SHRED!!! I had a bad experience the 1st time around with it.. FYI don't do Level 2 close to a couch.. They do high knees it that one.. I don't know about everyone else, but I apparently tend to move backwards slightly during them and the one time I came down the back of my heal caught the very front bottom of…
  • Hey there.. look into Great information and newsletter. Everything there is legitimate work from home. I would know, because that is where my income comes from :)
  • I enjoy working from home.. I find myself doing squats at my computer desk most days.. LOL
  • I have spent years scouting out legitimate work from home jobs not to mention endless let downs from all the scams. I did however a little while back get introduced to a site that was full of good information and detail that led me to a handful of legitimate work from home jobs. You can see what I'm talking about at…