

  • Hi mamabear204 - what does 'bump for later' mean?
  • Hi a lot ot these recipes sound delicious but how many calories do they have. I am on 1200 calories a day which sounds a lot but believe me it is not and I am really struggling to eat nice food and stay within my calories. HELP please!!!!!
  • Thank you all for your replies I will take all your advice on board.
  • HI I am new to this as well, but am worried that I shall eat my total calorie allownance each day and that I shall put weight on as I shall be eating a lot more than I usually do. Would someone please advise whether this eating plan really does work. Thank you
  • Hi I am new to this website. I have just entered all my details to see how many calories I will have and MPL came back saying I would GAIN 3lbs a week. I want to lose weight, why is it telling me this? HELP!!
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