myminime Member


  • Hi, one of the things that I did to find out exactly how many calories I was burning, was to purchase an all in-one watch to track my exercise and calories burned. There are several on the market. I found mine at Best Buy. But I am sure that any sports store, Target or Walmart would carry the same thing. Congratulations on…
  • Hi friend, are you working out? I really found that working out really makes a huge difference in my weight loss. I try to work out 5 days/week. At work we have a walking club. When the weather cooperates I walk for at least 30 minutes. I purchased Zumba for the Wii for at least 2 evenings per week. I take one Zumba class…
  • I too purchased the Zumba for the Wii. FANTASTIC!!! I walk at lunch and take a Saturday Zumba class, so this was the perfect supplement. Zumba for the Wii has activities for all levels and breaks down each of the moves so that you can really understand it. :happy:
  • I know that it is not recommended, but I weight myself every morning. I can tell when there are some foods, that for some reason, make a difference in my weight loss. I like to know what those are before I continue with them in my diet. However, when I was with weight watcher's, things I ate on Monday would show up on…
  • CONGRATULATIONS! So glad that you shared your success, I certainly needed to hear it. I hope to hear more successes from you in the future. I hopefully will share my success next week. Have a great weekend.:smile:
  • Hi jhansen2011, weight watcher's has now come up with a new points plus system. The points are based on the grams of protein, carbs, fat and fiber in a particular food item. They are now looking at food items "holistically" so that not every food item is counted in the same manner, i.e., chocolate cake vs. laughing cow…