opinions please. :)

samantharae121205 Posts: 185
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
been counting cals. a lil over a month now.1200-1500 faithfully 7days a week. i have been over nd under on some too but id say maybe 2over 2under out of the whole month. my weightloss has slowed down soo much since the first 2 weeks.&;; i cannot for the life of me get below 166. my weight daily flucuations are ridiculous starting at 2lbs. upto 6lbs. !?!?. i was thinking of changing somthng up. maybe count calories mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. then thee other 4 days low carb?!.


  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    Are you working out?
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    You're going to have to open up your food diary to get good advice here.
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    Count the calories everyday! Weight loss is not a consistent thing. At first you lose a ton, then it may slow to a crawl. If you are working out as well, you are probably gaining muscle and losing inches which will alter the scale. Check out your sodium and see if it needs adjusting. I found that for me, I lost quite a bit fast, but I weight train. So, I don't even get on the scale as often and rely on the fit of my clothes. It takes me longer to lose a pound now sometimes 1 lb in 3 weeks to a month. Just "my opinion"
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    It takes time. I find if I stick to it for 6 or 7 days, then go slightly over on a "cheat" day -but also Work out - I don't do a strenuous workout - just Qi Gong, walking, and dancing about on a daily basis, with a bit of stair climbing when possible.

    Slow and steady, think tortoise not hare! Good luck, it will happen. Keep moving, that's the trick I think.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I was at that point and honestly i put the scale away because it was making me so upset. Yesterday i took a picture of myself i havent done that since february and was pissed to see that i dont look different, though i have been told here and there i look like i have lost weight. I would say maybe increase your water intake and maybe take out 50 cals or something like that?
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Got to work out. Maybe change things up a little to jump start some more loss.
  • Are you working out?

    yes but probley not as much as i shud be. i walk about 4 miles on the wknds. i have a 30 min. slimin6 video i do twice a week. a 10 min ab workout i do twice a week. a 10 min glute workout twice a wk and 10 min. arm workout twice a week.
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Couple questions, are you just watching calories? and not fat, carbs, sodium?
    Also do you workout? if you do is it the samething every day?

    If you are only watching calories, try watching fat, carbs, and sodium also. They all can have affects on fluctuations and gaining.
    If you already are watching them all try zig-zagging calories. I do this and it usually will break my platues.

    With workouts if your not try adding some exercise in. If you already exercise and its been the samethings you've been doing try mixing it up. Your body will get use to exercises after time and won't burn as many calories as before.
  • Are you drinking enough water?

    guilty. :(:( ive been trying to get the recommeded amount. maybe i shud just carry a gallon around with me. lol. :)
  • Couple questions, are you just watching calories? and not fat, carbs, sodium?
    Also do you workout? if you do is it the samething every day?

    If you are only watching calories, try watching fat, carbs, and sodium also. They all can have affects on fluctuations and gaining.
    If you already are watching them all try zig-zagging calories. I do this and it usually will break my platues.

    With workouts if your not try adding some exercise in. If you already exercise and its been the samethings you've been doing try mixing it up. Your body will get use to exercises after time and won't burn as many calories as before.
    yea, it was just calorie counting. no fat, carbs or sodium.
  • Count the calories everyday! Weight loss is not a consistent thing. At first you lose a ton, then it may slow to a crawl. If you are working out as well, you are probably gaining muscle and losing inches which will alter the scale. Check out your sodium and see if it needs adjusting. I found that for me, I lost quite a bit fast, but I weight train. So, I don't even get on the scale as often and rely on the fit of my clothes. It takes me longer to lose a pound now sometimes 1 lb in 3 weeks to a month. Just "my opinion"

    3 weeks for one pound!? :( i hope im not like that.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I agree with most of what was already said. Now the hard part. I have to be at least 4-7 days in the "green" (under or barely under) before I lose a pound. I know this from being discouraged and looking back to "reports" section of the website. And I also noticed the long term "reports" "progress" section has my loss line going in the same slope. I have a little stall, then lose, every singe time. It's not magic, it's not a trick, and I don't have to do anything drastic. In fact if I work out more or eat less, the slope in reports for loss is the same. It takes patience and being at "goal" for a week every day.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Are you working out?

    yes but probley not as much as i shud be. i walk about 4 miles on the wknds. i have a 30 min. slimin6 video i do twice a week. a 10 min ab workout i do twice a week. a 10 min glute workout twice a wk and 10 min. arm workout twice a week.

    I'd focus on a good routine, and the weight will start coming off.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I agree with everyone else and maybe get a heart rate monitor to be accurate with the calories burned amounts since the machines and even this site tends to over estimate calories burned.

    I wouldn't eat less...you might hate me for this but eat MORE...1400-1600 calories but lots of low gi or low starch veggies to fill you up and make your body work and keep the burn.

    Also I hate plain water and have decided to stay away from crystal lite so I make a drink 2x a day with these things

    1cup hot green tea steep for 5 min
    add that to a container with 24 oz water and ice
    then add either 1T of lemon juice or 2T 100% pure no sugar cranberry juice and drink up

    if makes the water much more doable
    also Jillian Michaels has a website www.nowloss.com with some special tips and tricks of high quality foods to add to your diet for maximum effects
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I agree with everyone else and maybe get a heart rate monitor to be accurate with the calories burned amounts since the machines and even this site tends to over estimate calories burned.

    I wouldn't eat less...you might hate me for this but eat MORE...1400-1600 calories but lots of low gi or low starch veggies to fill you up and make your body work and keep the burn.

    Also I hate plain water and have decided to stay away from crystal lite so I make a drink 2x a day with these things

    1cup hot green tea steep for 5 min
    add that to a container with 24 oz water and ice
    then add either 1T of lemon juice or 2T 100% pure no sugar cranberry juice and drink up

    if makes the water much more doable
    also Jillian Michaels has a website www.nowloss.com with some special tips and tricks of high quality foods to add to your diet for maximum effects

    Good advice on the HRM, the eating more! On days I eat more I do see a difference, and last year I cut cals drastically and lost only one pound in 3 months. Also, Propell has a water that is also powdered so you can add it yourself. it has no funky stuff in it, only about 5 cals, and vitamin/minerals. I like caffiene herbal tea in the evening and I count that as more water, too.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Try not to weight yourself every day once a week or once fortnightly is enough!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    Okay, losing weight takes time. I have been on my weight loss journey since Jan 2009. I am down 65 pounds. I was not always strict and I did go a couple months without exercise. Life throws you many curve balls so you have to work around it. That is what I had to do. The thing is you have to be determined and not get down. The less weight you have to lose the slower it comes off. I was getting frustrated about a month and half ago so my BF hid the scale. The BEST thing he could have possible done. If you want the weight to come off faster then you need to work out more and switch it up. I would go weeks at a time without losing anything but the important thing is I stuck with it... So cardio, cardio, and more cardio to get rid of fat along with 3 days of strength training lots of water and watch what you eat. OH and quit weighing yourself so much!
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Yes. Well said. SO right! :smile:
    Okay, losing weight takes time. I have been on my weight loss journey since Jan 2009. I am down 65 pounds. I was not always strict and I did go a couple months without exercise. Life throws you many curve balls so you have to work around it. That is what I had to do. The thing is you have to be determined and not get down. The less weight you have to lose the slower it comes off. I was getting frustrated about a month and half ago so my BF hid the scale. The BEST thing he could have possible done. If you want the weight to come off faster then you need to work out more and switch it up. I would go weeks at a time without losing anything but the important thing is I stuck with it... So cardio, cardio, and more cardio to get rid of fat along with 3 days of strength training lots of water and watch what you eat. OH and quit weighing yourself so much!
  • myminime
    myminime Posts: 7 Member
    Hi friend, are you working out? I really found that working out really makes a huge difference in my weight loss. I try to work out 5 days/week. At work we have a walking club. When the weather cooperates I walk for at least 30 minutes. I purchased Zumba for the Wii for at least 2 evenings per week. I take one Zumba class religiously on Saturdays. I have downloaded some tunes that really motivate me, great beats, and it helps me maintain my stride. It is hard to get motivated and to make working out part of our life. I am not there yet either. Try adding some movement at least three times per week and see it that helps. Let me know what happens.

    I am also taking for granted that you aren't moving much, if that is not the case, let me know.:glasses:
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