

  • [/quote] Even the sugar in fruit can stop weight loss in its tracks if you get too much of it. Sugar is sugar regardless of where it comes from. The difference is nutrients in fruit and no nutrients in refined sugar. The body isn't saying 'this is sugar from fruit so this is okay. I'll treat it differently". It doesn't.…
  • Wish the board had a Like button for all your great posts! I'm so grateful for all the feedback :) Really appreciate it. Everyone made good points. Thanks especially for the breakdown of their sugar content and how if I don't burn it, I'm going to store it. So true. Congrats to all who have lost so much weight enjoying…
  • I used to get a Jamba Juice every Sat after a run. One day while I was waiting (forever) saw a book on the counter with the nutrition information. All that time I thought I was doing something healthy and the protein shake that I liked was over 1,000 calories with 160 grams of sugar and off the chart fat content. I could…
  • Yes! I think that's normal. I always feel huge and bloated when I start working out after not being active for awhile. Who knows what the exact cause is. Lactic acid, sodium, or maybe just your body going into starvation mode. It can be discouraging which is why it's so important to listen to great music or go for a walk…
  • At least try to log in every day and stay as active as possible on the site. We all have ups and downs. I signed up on here in January but then didn't stay active and gained 6 lbs. The site isn't magic but just know that everyone on here is fighting the same fight and battles. Whether it's 6lbs or 60lbs we are all fighting…
  • Congrats on having 6 KIDS and taking the time out to work on yourself. Even tho that's vital to your health and happiness, it's something many Moms find really hard to do. That in itself sounds like an amazing accomplishment. I find that I get lost in caring for others and let myself go. You are doing great! Don't stop.…