Hi! I'm Lucie, I have fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety and potential hEDS. I'm wanting to increase my activity and overall fitness and hopefully decrease my pain and other symptoms.
You can all add me! Xx
Hi! Anyone shoulsd feel free to add me as a friend! I'm a 21 year old lab technician from the UK. I have no idea how much I weigh right now but usually sit around 10 stone (and none of my clothes have gotten looser or tighter) which isn't unhealthy for my 5'3" frame according to the Dr who weighed me for my work medical,…
As Lila and Wheelhouse have both said, it's ok to be panicked at the thought you have put weight on. However 3lbs really isn't that much. You say your job situation changed, there could be new environmental factors causing you to retain a bit more water than usual. I can't tell from your username (or photo- that's not…
As Lila and Wheelhouse have both said, it's ok to be panicked at the thought you have put weight on. However 3lbs really isn't that much. You say your job situation changed, there could be new environmental factors causing you to retain a bit more water than usual. I can't tell from your username (or photo- that's not…
Hi! I'm 21. I use this app mainly to keep track of my fitness goals as I am at a healthy weight that I want to maintain to avoid the list of hereditary problems my family has that only get worse with weight gain. This is a really lovely community and I'm sure by looking for other threads where people are looking for…
Me 2 - LNS 2*. I've had a wierd day today, been to a counselling session which has thrown me off completely so I havn't actually eaten much, or felt like preparing anything. Which I think has been the problem today.
Me 2* - LNS 1 Not too shabby considerinf it's 1am here and I'm still up doing uni work. :D
Me 1:LNS1* I was packing my lunch for tomorrow and just had to have a couple of jaffa cakes. Damn you for being so tasty!
Last week was bad. You can't change that now. What you can do is have a good week this week. :smile: Fresh start. Fresh mind. xx
Just seen this thread, such a good idea. I'm terrible for eating after my tea, especially in winter when I can't really go for a walk to distract myself, or I can but it's a darn sight colder and less pretty. Can only remember as far back as last night so starting from then Me:1*:LNS: 0
Shewee and a bottle. ;) remember, while water is probably the best liquid to drink, teas on their own (no milk or sugar) have pretty much the same number of calories, so maybe finding a herbal tea or black tea you can drink straight would be the way forward. It's good that you've found a way to distract yourself from the…
Mine is to drink a green smoothie every day this week. I'm going to go for a walk every day if I can but I have so much uni work this week I think that I probably won't be able to every day so I'm setting realistic goals.
Michelle - you can totally reach 135 if you want to. It won't happen quicky, and it sure as hell won't be easy but you can definitely get there one pound at a time. Walking is really good exercise - you're less likely to give up something that is low impact and takes you nice places. :smiley:
Hi I'm Lucie, I'm 20 and currently 140lbs but at my height and with my family problems I'd like to lose 10-15lbs to decrease my risk of heart disease, diabetes and other weight related problems. I also have IBS-C and so I have the great joys of trying to balance the foods that are good on a diet and foods that are good for…
I too have ibs and find that when I make a drastic change in my diet I'm bloated, constipated (sorry if TMI), crampy and in a lot of pain. So it could be that. Definitely talk to your Doctor - but it could be that a previously sluggish digestive system is getting an unwelcome wake up call. Hope you get answers from your GP.
I havn't read all the posts on this thread because wow - 9 pages? However one comment in particular struck me - the one about how 'curvy' now seems to mean 'obese'. I'm curvy, but I can still fit in a 10/12. Curvy means hips, bum and boobs. Not flab rolls. I think the real issue about my country (UK) becoming desensitized…
Not at all sexist. I personally would prefer a female personal trainer if I ever had the spare cash to employ one (hahahaha in my dreams).
If you want to get more into the 'serious' weights then have a read of The New Rules of Lifting for Women. :)
I don't have any issue with the diet choice it's the terminology I dislike. Due to the nature of language if you class some foods as "clean" then by assosiation foods that are not "clean" are "dirty" and I know a lot of people with EDs who would not need that sort of idea in their heads. If you want to eat things that are…
Wondering the same thing. Bump.
1 takeaway does not a failure make. In order to maintain weightloss and your goal weight when you reach it (and I know you will.) you should be making a lifestyle change, and I know I couldn't go the rest of my life without an occaisional takeaway. Also - this bad experience will probably have put you off for a while.…
Assuming oatmeal = porridge I love it and have it most days as a really filling breakfast. I make my own with Oatley as I have to limit my dairy intake for health reasons. If oatmeal isn't porridge, please enlighten me.
Thanks for the heads up regarding Domino's Velum - as a student I get all the discount voucher emailed to me and through my door (or I did before I moved out of student accomodation.) I am partial to a veggie supreme and crust dipping sauce, looks like there won't be any dipping for me now. :(
Regarding sugar - I'm always way over because I drink fruit juice and eat 1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day. I think it depends on the source of the sugar, obviously if your eating sugar out of the bag then it's not going to help you at all, but if you're having a fruit salad then the fibre and micronutrients that come with it…
If you're bloating that severely then it's definitely worth cutting out dairy and other 'gassy' foods like beans and the like, if the bloating stops, introduce these foods one at a time with about a week in between and see if any of them cause the bloating to start up again, if they do cut them out entirely. If the…
1. When I feel like I'm going to throw up 2. When the only option for going downstairs the morning after is to slide down on my bum. 3. When I get overtaken by old men on the way to the supermarket. 4. When I'm suddenly aware EXACTLY which muscles are used for walking and none of them seem to be working normally.
Oh dear lord I think this all the time, doing videos and hearing "ok, you'll start to feel a little burn now" NOW? A LITTLE? Love I started feeling a lot of burn 10 minutes in. This is why I prefer fitness classes, the instructor can see how you're doing, give more encouragement to those who need it and help with form - a…
I'm a uni student, finished after my exams in May....don't start lectures again until the....23rd September. Loving life. Now if I could find a part-time job to fund more cocktails on the beach (live within walking distance of 3) then that would be lovely.
Wow so many people from the North East! I'm from North Yorkshire but living in Cornwall. Feel free to add me if I don't add you. :D