Duval checking in
Drunk in public
@ snicka Posed like it was a mugshot
That smile
Goes on vacation by himself and asks locals to take his picture
You. Me. Gym.
Constantly smelling her hair
Greek yogurt
Always correcting me :tongue:
Doesn't use hair products
Always listening to the Beatles
I'd get lost in those eyes
The things I would do for a 16 oz ribeye
Ability to breath in outer space
Partners? We could call it Milf and Muscles Premium Dog Care
Hot tub apple bobbing
NY strip over Ribeye? I don't date blasphemers
Only if he can grill a Ribeye
A leash
He kept hittin on my brother :noway:
That lives on Drury Lane?
$5000 a month huh? Sounds like I need to get into the dog training business..
/ crawls out the window quietly /
False TNP would meet me in real life.