

  • I'm new to these boards so hi everyone! I just started Stronglifts last week, so my goal for this month is really just to keep at it :) I utterly failed at OHP my first go round so by the end of this month I want to get the full 5x5 without fails.
  • Looking awesome! Can I ask what kind of lifting and cardio you've been doing? You and I are almost exactly the same height (I'm 5'2") but 170 looks way better on you than it does on me. I spent a long time killing myself with cardio, hating it, and getting nowhere, so I've just started lifting. Hence, my curiosity on your…
  • Hi all! I'm 22 and in a similar boat, I don't have any friends IRL trying to lose weight, let alone on here. Add me if you're interested in being fitness buddies!