

  • I have cheat days! I limit myself to one day a week. But it's eating whatever I want, as long as I stay under my calorie goal. If I go over, I limit it to 100 calories over, and I make sure I burn it off that day or the next day. Or, I burn extra calories ahead of time so I can look forward to enjoying my treat without…
    in Cheat Day? Comment by nikiamn May 2010
  • Plan your meal before your workout! I prepare my healthy dinner/snack and put it in MFP before I leave so I can hurry home after the gym and eat it. :) Or only take your license with you when you go. Then you have no money to spend! :)
  • Hey! Welcome to the program! I'm just starting out myself ... good luck!!! :)
  • Statistically, it's much healthier for your body to reduce weight slowly -- it boosts your metabolism and you keep the weight off. If you try to lose too much too soon, your body reacts as if you are doing a crash diet: you'll gain it all back much quicker and it will be twice as hard to lose. Keep up the hard work --…
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