sloooooow progress.........

I have lost a stone and a half since New Year- a massive achievement for me, and I'm delighted BUT progress now is so slow, and it's beginning to get me down. Even on a really good week I'm only shifting half a pound, despite doing plenty of exercise, drinking lots of water etc.

I have 1200 calories, always eat near to my exercise allowance, and still could do with losing another stone. I know this is technically a plateau, and that there's loads of info on this site about plateaus, but I'd really like to hear some friendly voices saying 'stick with it' or even offering quick fixes....

Thank you.


  • SweetCharity
    Aww, it might not even be a plateau yet. You said you were still losing half a pound at least some weeks. You gotta understand that you're not gonna lose a whole lot of weight all the time. When you first start, the initial shock to your system will absolutely cause you to lose a lot and lose it quickly. Once you have less to lose and your body adjusts - you can still get the weight off but it's never gonna happen as quickly as it did when you first started. That's just the way it goes. Just keep going and keep doing the right things. When it comes off slowly, it's much easier to keep off! Trust me - I've lost 55lbs and kept it all off but I did it over a period of time, not miraculously all at once!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    im with you. although when I was really loosing I was working out twice a day. Now I only do it once a day and stuck at a plateau. I dont drink all my water either, but im starting today
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Have you updated your profile with your current weight because MFP doesn't automatically update that for you. It might still be using your starting weight; if so, adjust to your current weight and you might find that you've been eating too few calories. Make sure you also eat most of your workout calories and drink plenty of water (and watch your sodium). Hopefully, if this was hte issue you'll start seeing better progress soon.
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    try different things. Switch up your exercise routine, maybe eat a couple hundred more calories a few days a week.
  • nikiamn
    nikiamn Posts: 4
    Statistically, it's much healthier for your body to reduce weight slowly -- it boosts your metabolism and you keep the weight off. If you try to lose too much too soon, your body reacts as if you are doing a crash diet: you'll gain it all back much quicker and it will be twice as hard to lose. Keep up the hard work -- it'll pay off! It's the healthier, longer-lasting way to go! :)
  • Fayegill
    Fayegill Posts: 39 Member
    I went with the same frustrastion to my doctor two weeks ago. He said weight loss is slow and that people who lose at slower consistent rate keep it off. He also said not to lose more then 5lbs a month. So frustrating when your aching to be back to your old self.
    Eating really clean helps also. Something I struggle with.
  • yazi_livefit
    yazi_livefit Posts: 51 Member

    Yes, there will always bee a slowdown in the process, but not long ago I received a very good advice and that is to push myself just a little harder during exercise. So instead of 15 reps I don't count but do until I can't do any more, instead of timing my jog and stopping when I thought it was enough I push myself for another lap. Also, since you mentioned that you are working out, it is a possibility that you are beginning to gain muscle which in fact weights more than fat. What I suggest is taking a measuring tape and start measuring yourself, that way you will notice the inches that come off. Remember fat is lighter but flabby and shapeless therefore takes more space, but the muscle is much heavier then the fat, solid and shaped therefore it takes less space.

    You are doing great!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    it seems like you are close to your goal weight! It is going to take a lot longer to loose. 1/2 lb is awesome per week! Thats where I am at and I understand it can be hard. Do you eat your exercise calories? I think 1200 is too low if you are working out as well. Maybe try upping your calories a little.