jmhermann Member


  • Hey all! I'm Jules, I could REALLY use a few accountabilibuddies. Feel free to add and help keep eachother on track :)
  • I'm in the same boat! Graduating in december and trying to get some professional exams out of the way in addition to school, work, and volunteering. I drink like 3 cups of coffee daily and don't sleep often. Motivation is my biggest issue, but doing things like watching tv shows on the elliptical for study breaks and…
  • I'm a senior in college and probably one of the worst yo yo dieters around. The best advice is to recognize it is a process. I don't really eat pasta anymore (used to be a huge mac n cheese junkie) and I'm working on phasing out things like pizza. I've quit cold turkey so many times, and life always gets in the way so it…