

  • Harley Davidson
  • I am 51 and need to lose 50 lbs. Being fat made me a type 2 diabetic, I take cholesterol meds, and HBP meds. Time for a change. I have been doing cardio for the past 3 weeks and I have been able to cut down on the diabetic meds and hope to get rid of them altogether in a few months along with everything else. Sad thing is…
  • Tried it. Did not loose more than a couple of pounds. They are tasty. I was making a shake using choc soy milk with some peanut butter. Fills me up for a couple of hours. I did help my blood sugar. I am 6" 225 lbs and 51 years old if that helps.
    in ViSalus Comment by qswilliams April 2013
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