KristiChris Member


  • Just finished today's workout. Wow, it was rough! A little disappointed... I had to take a few breaks during the Level 1 Drills and In & Out Abs, but I looking forward to eventually getting through it without slowing down.
  • Ok, Day 1 done! Only 59 days more to go... Just imagine how good we'll look in June! My Fit Test Results: Switch Kicks - 82 Power Jacks - 44 Power Knees - 84 Power Jumps - 24 Globe Jumps - 11 Suicide Jumps - 16 Push Up Jacks - 18 Low Plank Obliques - 40 Good luck to everyone doing PLYO tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how it…
  • Hi Foxy, Me too!! I did Insanity 2 years ago and I felt great and looked great! And then with lots of unhealthy eating and laziness, I've gotten pretty squishy since then and have had a hard time staying motivated to do any kind of exercise. Interestingly enough, the other day I came across my Insanity DVD's while digging…