

  • Great job. Some people are just asshats and not worth your time :) Focus on the positive and let the 'mean girls' be miserable because in the end really that is all they are.
  • The kids chattering away in the other room :D I lost my ipod :(
  • I will be exercising. I finally got myself to a point where I do 60 minutes exercise a day, every day. I will be going away for a week in October and I booked a hotel near the river because I know it has a path that I can run on easily and not get lost and so I can stay away from running through a really busy city with all…
  • The same happened to me when I went to the States. I found the portion sizes were a lot bigger than home, the addition of Iced Tea at fast food please (my weakness!!!) and the massive cups OMG, and just the value of food in general. It was a LOT cheaper to eat in America than it is at home. The quality of the fast food…
  • Do your reading, know the risks and live with your choices. It your body and it will be your baby. Obviously its better to take the approach your body is a temple for two and you should respect it... the chemicals and crap should stay out. You only have to do it for 9 months and wouldn't you want to give you baby the best…