LoveLaughLive1 Member


  • Lasagna stuffed peppers: half a pepper, a layer of turkey and mushroom tomato sauce, a layer of light ricotta, a another layer of tomato sauce, topped with a bit of cheese and baked in the oven... only 330 cals for a full pepper. YUMMMMM!!!!!!
  • I've spent years worrying about what other people think. When I run, my face turns bright red. NO MATTER WHAT. Yeah, I have people look at me at the gym. You know what? I wear that sweat like a badge of honor. Fact is, that I'm taking my life into my own hands and if the best thing they've seen is a sweaty girl with a…
  • It can be for all sorts of reasons... sodium, water weight, your period. PS. almost all meat, canned goods ect have LOADS of hidden sodium.... Put the scale away and take it out once a week. My weight fluctuates all the time and now I only weigh in on Saturday. You're working hard right? Don't sabbotage it by focusing on…
  • First off, Congrats!!! You sound like you're doing amazing! I love hearing stories about people like us taking our lives back :) About the cardio... you could do cardio on non strength days and probably go longer but unless you want to be training for a race, theres actually no point. The point of cardio is to keep you…
  • Really, that's what he said reducing cards and sugars makes you lose your belly fat? That's what my personal trainer said too and I didn't want to believe him because they taste great... I think that I'll give it a try if your doctor can confirm that it works!
  • I asked my personal trainer about this and what he said about belly fat is that the best way to get rid of it is to change your eating habits. He said that the best thing you can do is reduce your carb intake. That being said carbs are really important! So the trick is to eat them in the morning, maybe at lunch and never…
  • Congrats! I signed up for a gym this week too! I made an appointment with a personal trainer and he drew up a plan for me to strengthen some of my weakest assets (core mostly). You don't have to pay money though to get a really good work out plan though! In the past, I went to this website and it has some AWESOME workouts…
  • I hate to tell you this but the answer is squats. Yucky, I know, but do them. Go to for awesome workout tips.