

  • Hey I am about your age and was around the same weight when I started. It's hard work and involves a lot of educated food choices, but you can do it. I have dropped over 20 lbs so far and have another ten or so to go. Best of luck.
  • I love the taste of almond milk, and it is much lower in calories than regular milk. Plus, you can get shelf stable boxes to last through hurricanes! One cup of almond milk has 40 calories, compared to a cup of 2%, which has 120, or even skim, which has double the calories of a glass of almond milk.
  • i just made some tuna dip! I mix 1 T. of tuna packed in water with 2 T of salsa, then use 5 mini cheddar rice cakes to dip. Fabulous, under 100 cals
  • This makes no sense to a biologists. Everything is made out of chemicals! Sorryyy couldn't help myself
  • same here. veggies and hummus, fruit and yogurt, stuff like that... and i almost always fit in chocolate pudding or whip cream and berries for dessert!
  • I'm a busy girl too! I'm in a competitive graduate program and can often spend long hours at school, so I pack tons of food - I have found this to be the difference between me starving and eating everything in sight vs. me staying on track and fitting in my jeans! I have found that eating 6 times a day really makes a…
  • Recently I have been a huge fan of oatmeal parfaits - I make them a little smaller than the recipe states, so they are SUPER low in calories. Check them out here:
  • I eat tons of them and am always way over on my fiber count - but I get to eat a lot of food for 1200 calories, which keeps me full.
  • Your diary does look healthy. However, as another runner I would say that MFP grossly overestimates calories burned during exercise - when you do the same exercise every week, your body will become more efficient at the sport and thus you will burn less calories. I would drop the calorie intake, maybe only consume 1/3 of…
  • one mango (or about a cup of another fruit), half a cup of light yogurt, and ice. a splash of milk or juice and it stays under 150cals
  • the processed food & grains are really calorie dense. If you eat more vegetables or broths, you can eat WAY more because of how low in calories they are. also, check out HG recipes (google it if you don't know who she is!)
  • ugh. it's pouring rain out... but I'm going running anyway. Rain will not disrupt my training! Just do it
  • the humerus is the bone in the upper arm. The clavicle is the collarbone that you are probably referencing.
  • putting my running shoes on anyway! and thinking about how i can stuff my face when I'm done :)
  • yup I'd be irritated. i think that's why i like long trail runs sometimes... there is no one to bother you and it really makes you feel at peace.
  • If I am hungry I will eat half of a whole wheat english muffin with half a T. of peanut butter. If I am not hungry but am going to be working out for awhile I take something like FSR chews.
  • I like your Ayn Rand quote more :) She has provided the role model for how I want to live my life.
  • I was running 6 miles a day most days of the week before I started training for the half. I've heard you can enter training as soon as you can run a 5k easily though.
  • I think about the people who work much harder than I do for what they need and want. RESULTS are also motivating. Oh, and listening to pandora's morgan page radio :)
  • As a biologist, I can't say it makes much sense how an antigen on red blood cell's affects what you need to eat.
  • I do this too, however I don't bring a lunch box. Foods like turkey, cheese, yogurt will last for several hours out of the fridge, so I will just throw them in my bag.
  • I don't track my normal daily activity. If my workout is going above and beyond the walking, stairs, etc. that I do on a daily basis, then I track it and follow the net calorie guide.
  • love chobani. although, i think yall have more access to flavors than i do! I usually mix in 1/8c. granola with 1/8c. of pumpkin seeds :)