

  • Seven Nation Army - White Stripes Best Workout Song! Even the lyrics give me a boost. "Im gunna fight them off, a seven nation army couldnt hold me back"
  • Lifting and cardio is always a great answer. Personally the more I switch it up the more I lose nd more muscle definition I gain. I do yoga (which I highly reccomend) pilates, and spin. Plus im always warming up and cooling down on the treadmill and get some weights in. Check out Body they have printable…
  • This clearly was just a big devious plan for these boys to get us to look . And you know we just coudnt resist not saying anything.
  • I personally have a Terraillion scale its very accurate and the batteries last a really long time. they have like a zillion different models depending on what your looking for. I would def reccomend it.