

  • Wow this thread is way to overly opinionated when it just consists of a diet. I studied Keto for a bit before I decided to try it for good and by study I mean I spoke to those at my gym before I started going to Google and checking out forums. My body is a Mesomorph so I have no problems gaining muscle and keeping tone…
  • Keto is a great diet and I researched for sometime before taking it into consideration as my first and only diet I have been on. Growing up as a kid my daily meal would consist of 1 foot long and 1 six inch subway sandwich and that was my breakfest lunch and dinner in one meal. My metabolism rate was through the roof and I…
    in Keto? Comment by jwesterm May 2013
  • Currently on the Keto diet but it's not really a fad since it was designed in the 70's. The diet is simple, minimize carb intake to start ketosis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketosis Not trying to gimmick anyone but this is an excerpt from another post I made;Carbohydrates in the diet cause an insulin (a "storage"…
  • Not sure what "flakes" are unless you are referring to the cereal. But that banana is nothing but carbs - See this site http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1846/2 Rice is also high in carbs. You want a lower carb rate The science behind low carb dieting can be found below: Carbohydrates in the diet…
  • This is a good video to watch in regards to nutritional information and how not-so sure we can be about it. http://youtu.be/hE2lna5Wxuo In short it is a study about foods using a calorimeter machine and lots of math to best estimate how off the nutritional values are. Keep in mind these values are not heavily monitored by…
  • First a little disclaimer - I would always consult a medical physician before taking advice from a fitness board about your issue. Third party knowledge is acceptable but not to be taken as safe and/or medically proven. I offer you my advice but I am no doctor or nutrition specialist. Someone might tell you that "Muscle…