MsBrandylove Member


  • I too feel "trapped" behind my desk...and while it's difficult to get into the habit, I find that working out BEFORE work saves me from making excuses after work, especially when I have to work more than expected. (And bonus, it wakes you up!) I also purchased a DESKCYCLE...its basically just pedals with a tension…
  • HA!! Awww...I'm sure your body is still cheering you on! ;) (I burst out laughing at my desk...thanks!)
  • You guys realize you rock, right? So awesome <3
  • True story, In 7th grade I had a male TEACHER ask me why I'd wear a skirt with "legs like that". I don't think I ever wore that ruffled denim skirt again...hmmm...perhaps that's not a bad thing? ;) Some people suck, other's are you seem to be. Surround yourself with awesome people and the ignorant fools that…
  • AWESOME! Congrats to you for sticking to it even though it was rough! Now you can use this wonderful feeling to inspire you to push through any other rough patches :smile:
  • It's a lot easier to not pack junk food for lunch if you don't keep it in the house. Even certain "healthy" things I have to stay away nutrition bars...because if I'm having a weak willed day, that box is gone in one day, so I don't buy them. It's SO hard at first to not run to the "go to" foods...but there's a…
  • September 26th was my last Cig. I transitioned over to vapor e-cig, and now barely use the e-cig. I too smoked a pack of Marlborough Menthol lights a day (100's). I'm not sure if it was the 'act' of smoking the E-cig that made the transition easier? I know MANY people freak the second you say E-cig or Vaping..haha, but I…
  • ...How does showering beforehand stop weight gain? ;)
  • I can almost feel the sunshine on my face, smell the sweet spring air as I inhale deeply the scent of new life budding...I may not even mind the buzzing of bugs so much this, yeah I will. I'll turn into a psychotic ninja as usual, but it's coming...and I can't wait!!
  • Was your goal unrealistic to start with? If yes, perhaps setting a realistic goal in the future will help you. If it was realistic, but for whatever reasons you didn't meet your goal, perhaps taking that "crabby" feeling and turning it into fuel for your next realistic goal, knowing that it is with in your power to acheive…
  • Thank you 'guys' for responding....what a great way to get advice from people who've been through it or are going throught it! I completely agree, that I am the only one who can change my cycle, that it's me and no one else putting the food in my mouth, or not working out etc. Thanks Lizzy, this is a bump as long as I only…