dsims_nc Member


  • Make sure your scale is not out of whack. Especially if it is a mechanical scale - it could just be plain wrong.
  • Try this. Aim for 60 grams of carbs per day, and don't worry about the calories. Don't eat anything white. Flour, Sugar, Potatoes, Bananas, or Rice. Try it for two weeks and see what happens.
  • If I lie on my left side I can feel my heart beating (I don't really like it!)
  • Is this a mechanical scale? (a dial that spins around?) They are super at being inaccurate - tons of things will make them give different readings. I was using one at first and it was really discouraging. So I spent $26 for a new electronic scale and it makes a world of difference. Money well spent.
  • I am wondering the same thing really. My Doctor recommended Dreamfields to me in March and I have been using it. I am losing weight, so it must not be too bad, but I have read the same studies (Sweden and Minnesota). One does not know what to believe. I guess I will stick with Dreamfields for now, but I am skeptical.