Sweet as can be! What's the number one thing on your bucket list?
ever after
And bent over the counter....
She stole my cat's litter box
When she heard me say "back that a** up" , she saw i wasn't talking to her
Overweight, yes. Morbidly obese, no.
Take pictures. Then walk away
Beware of Stevia too! I saw a stevia plant that looked shady as ****.
She said i was TOO generous.
toy dog
You don't say
"I just don't know how to quit you"
Love your cheeks!
I sneak into my ex's house just to smell his shoes
Food trucks. They are my downfall. Atlanta Burger Truck- Cabbage town burger(1/3 patty, cheddar cheese, apple cole slaw, smoked pulled pork, and bbq sauce) Yumbi - fish tacos Happy belly- Georgian burger The list goes on...
Did i turn the flash off?