brenran Member


  • I have cut back to 1 a day, and I require myself to have half of my water for the day before I drink it...
    in Diet pop Comment by brenran April 2014
  • I am also struggling! It seems so many times I (we) let life get in the way of what is best for us. It is hard to put yourself first. Recently, a very close friend has been going through a medical crisis. My husband and I have been spending many evenings with them, and others are bringing meals to their home, so the…
  • I also had the same problem through the it is time to get back in the swing. For me, it is a mind set. I went through and got rid of/gave away all of the "red light" foods in my pantry. If they aren't there, I won't eat them. I started faithfully keeping track of my meals again, and started drinking more…
  • I try to keep small packages of almonds in my desk. Also, maybe a container of yogurt or cheese sticks can help get you through until lunch...