StandUp Comedienne of the Year, Winner Showtime at the Apollo, Bawdy stand-in for Melissa McCarthy & erstwhile kindergarten teacher.
Howard Stern
Hi Everyone! *wave* Huge "thank you" to the kind soul who started this thread. 53 last September here, with about 100 - 125lbs to lose. I'm returning to Myfitnesspal after a couple of YEARS off the (fitness) wagon. Some of the entries I've read here and on other threads today have been so reassuring and motivating! I know…
Wowwwwwww!!! You are AWESOME!!!! :-) Thanks so much for sharing. This really made my day!
Love it. Wish there were a "like" button here!! *chuckling*
Rondaoaks, OMG, I have SO been there, done that! I hit the big 5-0 last September. Having lost almost 100lbs, I've now gained back agout 35. I'd hoped to be "fit by 50" -- obviously I "fit" a little too much celebrating into the past year, but chin up! As much as I dreaded this number, it hasn't actually turned out to be…
Hi everyone *waves* I'm new to attempting to use this site for motivation & support in meeting my weight-loss goal. When I read the title of this thread, I thought: "My goodness! This is ME!!" :happy: So . . . I hope you don't mind my dropping in. I hope, Hope, HOPE I'll be diligent! I've been a perennial flake when it…