LauraJWill Member


  • I am going to start Lean next week. I started the regular version in February but ended up with a lower back strain and had to stop the high impact stuff, but I will try the lean now and see if I can stay pain free :)
  • Good Luck!! My son is now 9 months and I have to say the weight loss journey this time around has been difficult. I lost 60 pounds prior to getting pregnant so I know how, I have just found that relosing the weight after has been difficult. I just keep reminding myself slow and steady and I will get there! Welcome to MFP!
  • Unfortunately I have been trying to lose those last 15 pounds before onederland since before Christmas :( I am now 8 pounds out! Good Luck with your race!
  • Yes I am using all the sheets to write it down so I should be able to see how I develop, I can't wait! Thanks for being so encouraging its great to see that this program can work for everyone!! Laura
  • I just started today and let me tell you there is a lot I can't do!! However, I am surprisingly optimistic that with the program as long as I try each and every move I feel that I will see some progress and those decline push ups will be conquered :) Atleast I hope so :) Now just to keep motivated, I am definately one who…
  • I did weight watchers online before I got pregnant and lost 60 pounds, I did enjoy there program, but this holds me accountable just the same and it is free. Being on a Mat Leave budget this program filled my need to track and hold myself accountable!! Welcome!