It's recommended not to lose more than 1% of your body weight a week to preserve lean body mass and achieve lasting loss. That is not minimal, that is dedicated and focused consistently. Most of us will have some weeks where we take a step back or whatever. Remember the important thing is consistency and health, not the…
Who cares what any one else thinks? You could say hiking or something. But really, what people think of what you love to do doesn't matter. Everyone gets it because every jerk has an opinion. Runners get attacked for that, even, I can promise you. We're going to ruin our joints etc (despite that being very well disproven…
I had to get to the point I could run several miles at a stretch before I loved it. I still don't really enjoy runs shorter than ~5 miles. (3-5 beats nothing. I hate 1-2) If I never pushed my fitness to the point it wasn't suffering and if I were stuck on a dreadmill instead of outside, I never would have known how much I…
Just wanted to encourage you --- I got people giving fright tales about exercise lowering supply--- but I ran a marathon when my daughter was 3 month and was up to 60+ miles a week soon after and I had an over supply of milk. I didn't count calories, but switched to the eat clean plan (eating every 3-4 hours with a lean…
So, have you signed up for a half marathon yet? :)
I could simply not care less about GMO products, based on the current research I have read. If I see future research to make me change my mind, I'll reevaluate my position then. Science has oft given us improvements that help us survive as a species.
You can lose weight as long as you are keeping within the Calories. The one thing to be careful is if it's regular and not a one-off type of thing... they are devoid of nutrition and certainly not helping your body be stronger or healthier. Alcohol is empty so best not to indulge- especially since it lowers inhibitions and…
Oh, I love greek yogurt!!! But, I do think regular yogurt is hyper-sweet and super gross.