Why do people disregard walking?



  • dark_angel1554
    dark_angel1554 Posts: 65 Member
    Also a no-car person...I walk everywhere and I love it!!! Long walks are one of my favorite ways of getting in cardio.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I hear you will burn the same amount of calories walking a mile as running a mile. If you are new at fitness, then walking is a great choice as not only will you burn the same number of calories, you will gradually build up your bone density and muscle mass.
  • Msdnice
    I truly believe the important issue is getting a good heart rate, a nice calorie burn and say screw it to the skeptics. It's working for me. I feel successful. I really do.
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    I love to walk. I love to count steps. I find the process very motivating and am proud of the fact that I walk at least 10000 steps every day. You see so many interesting things and get to have a real sense of the world around you. Personally, I am not in a hurry.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    Down two pants sizes from...you guessed it...walking.
  • TripZeros
    TripZeros Posts: 144 Member
    There are some people who believe their way to lose weight, or work out, is the ONLY correct way. You have the clean eaters, the dirty eaters, the low carb-ers, the ones who don't give a darn, the walkers, the runners, the weight lifters... and they all think they have the magic answer. They don't. No one has the magic answer for a body they don't own. Keep walking and tell them to go eat a Snickers.
  • RSBrewer1961
    RSBrewer1961 Posts: 13 Member
    I walk on a treadmill 5-6 days a week. On Lifetime Fitness or Nautilis machines, I do level 15-16 with inclines ranging from 7.3% to 11.3%. I use the varying hill climb modes most. I start out at 4.2mph and ramp (literally) to 4.5mph. One hour = 800+ calories even after losing over 40lbs. I've had a few days about 15lbs ago where I crested 1000 calories in an hour. I wear a FitBit and have enabled negative adjustments to keep me honest. Walking is the only exercise I get as I'm an engineer in a mostly sedentary desk job. If somebody wants to criticize, I dare them to keep up with me. At 52 years of age, I'm not going to put my body through extensive running. I have a father-in-law that's had every joint in his body replaced and all from running. Once I get to my goal, I intend to back off the treadmill to do 1/2 hours on the elliptical and then start some weight-training to tone up a bit. You keep doing what you're doing and don't give other folks a second thought. It's all about you anyway...Brew
  • heatherrunsfar
    Who cares what any one else thinks?

    You could say hiking or something. But really, what people think of what you love to do doesn't matter. Everyone gets it because every jerk has an opinion. Runners get attacked for that, even, I can promise you. We're going to ruin our joints etc (despite that being very well disproven scientifically)
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    I love walking'! It's a great exercise. Let the haters's hate, who cares, if it works for you!
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I love to walk. I take my 2.5 year old in his stroller and he loves it too. It can really be a great workout depending on your pace and where you're walking. Keep doing what works for you and don't let anyone discourage you!
  • Msdnice
    Thank you for sharing. I love the 10000 step concept.
  • GypsyPirate
    GypsyPirate Posts: 42 Member
    I walked a mile and a half in between my two jobs today. I think walking is great exercise and I plan to keep doing it. I have a friend who runs marathons and she encourages me with my walking, she doesn't make fun of it. I wish you can find friends like her.
  • Msdnice
    Thanks Jerry. I will look into it. I need all the support I can get.
  • 130Sam130
    130Sam130 Posts: 23 Member
    I love walking! A few years ago, I lost twenty-five pounds by walking. Now it's something I don't have much time to do (well, my second-choice exercise), but I still do it and love it when I can.
  • Msdnice
    love it
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    I like walking to kitchen, to my car and in the shopping centre.
  • Msdnice
    Thanks Brew.....that is awesome
  • Msdnice
    LOL.....you are so right on that.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    As a runner, I have frequently heard that not only taking walking breaks but just a walk rather than run is great for you.

    Walk to the beat of your own drum, and who cares what others have to say. :D
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,456 Member
    I also LOVE Leslie Sansone's walking videos! Because of my work hours, I can't get out to walk during the week and she is wonderful at getting me sweating, getting my heart rate up, energizing me and keeping me in shape. On the weekends, I do the "real walking" in my neighborhood, but I could not do that if I was not in great shape from all the walks with Leslie.

    I think many people discount walking because there seem to be a lot of heavy lifters on here, but at 60, with bad knees, carrying around 90 extra pounds of fat for 20 years is all the heavy lifting I ever plan to do!!!! From now on, I am walking my much lighter body around the world! If you do some of Leslie's weight and resistant band videos, they are also great for toning things up. Do not let anyone discourage you from walking. I have lost 72 pounds with Leslie, walking and mountain hiking and I feel great! Go Leslie!:flowerforyou: