

  • Yea I just recently started doing competitions. Did a snatch + clean & jerk competition in February. I am training for a Crossfit Strongman comp in June, it will be my first. The comp is going to consist of 4 WODs; WOD 1: The Kazmaier In this WOD competitors will have 4 minutes to place 5 stones starting with the lightest…
  • When I go back, I usually do a WOD that I see from one of the other local Crossfit web sites or I make up my own crazy WOD.
  • Did my first CF Total back in December: Squat = 405lbs Dead Lift = 585lbs Press = 245lbs 1235 total
  • Crossfit Impulse Madison, Alabama
  • We definately need to keep this thread going.
  • Whats up just joined the group, but have been doing Crossfit since October 2012. I have recently started doing two WOD's a day for two of the five days I WOD and that has been going well for me. I do one in the morning and one in the afternoon.