Zowiezombie Member


  • Amazing Brenda, thank you :) I think you nailed it when you mentioned being comfortable.. I have definitely gotten into a comfortable routine and I know my serving sizes have crept up. I've done a 44 hour fast I don't know if I could do 5 days but I think I should probably try another longer fast to shake things up. You…
  • I think starting tomorrow I'm going to change my window from 3 hours to 1 and see what that does. I don't usually eat for the whole 3 hours... usually just a leisurely drink and a snack. I will try that though and see what happens. If I still see no movement I will go to the one plate thing. I hate to restrict too much…
  • While fasting I have plain ice water, black coffee or iced tea with a slice of lemon usually. That's it. No diet sodas, gum, etc. Thank you!
  • Thank you for the encouragement. It just stinks when week after week you see the same numbers. It feels like I must be doing something horribly wrong.