

  • I'm a fitbiter too. And when you do some activity, it counts it. Cleaning house can be strenuous. Sometimes I can sweat more doing that then being on a treadmill. I wouldn't count something like light dusting, but cleaning a bathroom or a child's room...that's tough. As far as taking stairs, the fitbit counts that as…
  • hmmmm....a diary would be more helpful, even if you eat the same thing every day. I don't think you are eating enough. If you are doing workouts like Insanity (I know about that one!!!), I think you need more food. I stuffed my face when I was doing that, and still lost 20 lbs. I wasn't tired either. If you can rule out…
  • it is amazing how much someone eats when they don't keep track. I was in the 3k range myself.
  • People eat what they eat, I don't judge. Most of the time I go for 1600 a day, but there are days I don't get to 1200, just because I don't. Of course the next day, I can barley stand up from exhaustion. I don't have 'friends'. But I wouldn't unfriend someone because of that. Sakura you would be an exception I think. But…
  • Today was one hard boiled egg 1/2 cup cottage chese 1 cup of fruit (grapes/cantaloupe) Tea This is pretty much every day (sometimes i have greek yogurt)
  • 1st small motivator was seeing a picture of myself. I knew I was big, and I've been a yo-yo person. But this time I saw it and got depressed. Then I finally went to the doctor after 4 years (didn't have medical insurance), and although most of my bloodwork came back fine, my 'sugar' was slightly elevated. I have always had…
  • I suppose it is less expensive to eat at McDonalds, although when I did eat there, dinner for me and my kids would be over $20, and I can prepare a meal at home for less than that. My opinion is it is cheaper in the short term, but when you are buying diabetic medicine, high blood pressure medicine, high cholesterol…
  • Female 5'11" 195 pounds workout 4-6 times a week (including 2 boot camps per week) 1600-1700 calories trying to lose so I'm in a deficit of at least 500 calories a day. My normal intake would be 2100 if I was maintaining.
  • I just looked at your food diary quickly. 1st thing I'll say is that you are eating WAY too many carbs especially if you are only getting 1200 calories a day. My nutritionist told me that the number should be around 35 grams per meal. You go over on every meal (even lunch, because you don't have the carbs down for the…
  • You look totally fabulous! Thanks for posting your pictures. Scales?? Open window, pick up scale, eject scale. Clothes are my measuring stick. I actually had a dream last night that I was running and my pants were falling off!!! LOL! I'm seeing the future. :)
  • while the weather is still nice, I go for walks. I try to walk at a moderate pace non-stop, but living in NYC it is not that easy. But I try to walk 2 miles (20 blocks). Takes me about 30 min to do.
  • Not necessarily true. If you are insulin resistant then carbs (Pasta, bread) can cause you to NOT lose weight. If we knew your age, that would help. I'm in my 40s and when I tell you I cannot lose weight for anything, I'm not lying. I eat between 1,500 and 1,600 calories a day on a regular basis (If I eat less I will not…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss. Yes, pictures can tell us a lot. You can't see it when you look at yourself everyday in the mirror.
  • It seems geared toward someone with diabetes. I eat 2 pieces of fruit too and I'm done for the day. I tend to ignore it. SILLY is the perfect word.
  • Everyone's fat presents itself differently. I ihave a belly, that is both petruding above the belly button and hangs a little below my waist. I am overweight, not obese. The doctor said the belly is due to metobolic syndrome. Perhaps she has this. Or maybe, like someone else said, she lost a large amount of weight recently…