How many calories do you eat in a day?

Here are my stats=
143 pounds
trying to lose about 20
exercise=yoga, very light exercise

I try to eat about 1200 calories per day.

What about you guys?


  • Female
    195 lbs
    4-6 x a week i work out
    i eat 1600 cals per day
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    170 pounds
    workout 1-3 times a week
    1600 calories
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 338 Member
    Lift Heavy & HIIT 3X/Week
    2000/day (TDEE-20%)
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I've just come out of maintenance to lose 5 more lbs and my calorie goal, before exercise, is 1,480. With exercise it's around 1,600-1,700. I'm 5ft, 6in and am currently 124, working towards 119lbs (started out in the 170s last year). Exercise is walking and a bit of running.
  • Female with 49 lbs to loose
    I consume 1200 daily
    I do 45-90 min of cardio 5-6 days a week and circuit train 2 days a week
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    166lbs - wanting to lose 10-15lbs
    5-6x/week workout (softball 1x, kickball 1x, rock climbing 1x, Crossfit 3x)
    2100 calories a day (10% deficit)
  • busy91
    busy91 Posts: 15
    195 pounds
    workout 4-6 times a week (including 2 boot camps per week)
    1600-1700 calories

    trying to lose so I'm in a deficit of at least 500 calories a day. My normal intake would be 2100 if I was maintaining.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    132.8 lbs
    GW 125 (I lost close to 40 pounds in 2006, but have put some back on)

    I have my cals set at 1200, but that rarely (if ever) happens. I usually end up eating around 1500-1800 cals/day. The 1200 cal thing does not work for me. I don't want to starve myself. :)
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    On normal days, 1200-1600, on unplanned or planned 'cheat' days 1500-2500

    Kind of in between wanting to maintain and lose, so really whatever I feel like on the day lol
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I want to lose a few more pounds but have managed to maintain on 1600 calories for 4 months despite having a deficit of about 400 calories a day.

    5' 7"
    174 pounds (want to be about 168 pounds)

    I was a little lighter in March at 171 pounds.
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member
    CW: 198 GW:170
    workout 6 days a week (P90X, yoga, zumba)
    1800-2100 per day
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    CW: 261 GW: 160
    workout: 30 minute walk 3-5 times per week
    1200 per day
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Female - 65 y/o
    Work out twice per week
    Walkalmost every day
    1300 calories
    Eat back on workout days.
    Losing about 1.5lbs per month.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Started at 185 in March of this year
    Current weight is 152

    I want to lose another 7 pounds.

    I started with 1350 calorie goal, and I am still on it. I also eat about half of my exercise calories. Typically I exercise about 4-5 times a week for at least 45 mins.
  • xdieselx
    xdieselx Posts: 64 Member
    Male 32yo
    5'10, 175 lbs
    I have been eating 2500 calories per day for the last few months while doing a couple of days of exercise every week (lack of motivation) and I have been basically in maintenance mode, my weight stays around 175 lbs

    I'm going to restart Insanity soon so I might have to up my calories to lose around 10 lbs of fat ;)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Female, 5' 4 1/2"

    Goal is 1700, so I'm usuallly over 1400 but under 1700.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    Similar stats as you, and I eat way more.

    25 years old
    CW: 145
    GW: 130
    Exercise 4-6 days a week
    And I eat about 1500-1600 cals a day.

    I was at 1200, but it wasn't enough for me. Upped it to 1500 and I am losing more.

    (edited for spelling)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Rest days: 1393
    Training days: 2189

    Female 34yo
    5'5, 198

    Focusing on cutting body fat.
    Heavy lifting 4x a week
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    Wanna lose ~30kg
    Exercise bike 3-5 times a week... until recently, anyway...
    Calorie intake/day: 1200-1450, varies day to day

    I allow myself one or two break days (cheat days) a week. On break days, I don't know how much I eat. The above number is what I eat the rest of the time.
  • edinbyrd99
    edinbyrd99 Posts: 6 Member
    195 pds
    workout 6 days a week (2 days weight training, 4 days cardio)
    1200 calories a day (eat half my exercise )
    I just stared but i want to lose 55 pounds. Do i need to eat more?