They're not great, I had a ranchero beef one that really sucked the other day, but when I'm feeling lazy and really want an enchilada or pasta, it's better than a lot of choices I could be making. I hate to cook, so they're nice for convenience, but I wouldn't eat them exclusively.
Oh yeah! I always see about 4 or 5 pounds more on there right before aunt flo comes to visit. It's discouraging until I realize what's happening.
I don't really care either way, add me and I'll add you back. I tend to trim my list down once a month, though. If you're someone who hasn't been on in weeks or never speaks to me then I'll probably get rid of you, but everyone deserves a fair chance first.
edit: beaten
I don't eat breakfast, but I was like that before I started trying to get healthy. Even when I worked early morning shifts, my first meal of the day was around 11 or 12. I'm just not hungry before then. And now that I'm watching what I eat, I get a lot more satisfaction out of two good meals with room for snacks than I…
About three weeks, I think? I started over 200 pounds and my body really responds well to change, so the first few pounds flew off pretty easily. I lost 6 pounds in my first week, although I'm sure plenty of that was water weight.
Who knows, people have different reasons. Maybe they left the site or trimmed their friends list down to a manageable size and you got lost in the shuffle. Or maybe there was drama we don't know about. No way to know unless you ask, I suppose. Great job on the weight loss, though! 16 months and 72 pounds is pretty damn…
I know the feeling, girl! 5'5 or so and just today weighed in at 190. I feel good, but holy crap have I got a ways to go. It's totally possible, you can do it even if you're the only person in the house trying to change their habits for the better. Feel free to add me and ask questions here, MFP is a good place to turn for…
I don't cheat regularly, but every now and then I just need to take the day off and not panic about the calorie count of something I really badly want. Once I've had my curly fries or whatever, I'm usually good and I eat reasonably for the rest of the day. That's not always the case, but I've found that if I allow myself…
This is great advice. If you jump in thinking "I need to cut out ALL SODA RIGHT NOW and NEVER EAT PIZZA AGAIN and SPEND AT LEAST AN HOUR A DAY ON THE TREADMILL" it might be too much all at once. For me, easing into it is the reason I could stick with it and maintain. Ten to twenty minutes walking or rolling on a stationary…
get some booty shorts from the junior's department and then see if your daughter has anything to say about these. they look nice, and they're not so tiny you'll show everything when you sit down, so wear your shorts and have a nice summer. :)
Agreed! I have a much easier time with weight loss if I watch my sodium, so I keep it on there. Sugars, though... I don't know how people can stay under on sugar.
I took sugar off my list just because the limit MFP puts on me is discouraging as hell. Seeing numbers in the red day after day kills my motivation, and since I'm losing weight and inches at a steady pace and making pretty much all of my calorie/macro goals, I figure I'm doing okay. I'm capable of putting the candy away…
Some people can run with a basic idea of what they're eating, some (like me) need to count. I know how I am; as soon as I stop looking after my numbers I'll be like, 'well, I can have a little bit more since I've been doing so well' or tell myself I'm only going to cheat a bit and do better tomorrow, and then... not do it.…
I've lost boobs and butt and I didn't have the butt to spare. :( it's a tragic occasion but at least my jeans fit better and bras in my size are easier to find!
Why not? I think it's kind of relaxing to work out in the dark.
Eating clean is admirable, and if I had the willpower to stick to something like that, I'd be all for it. But if I weren't allowed to fit the occasional pizza or lunch out with friends into my calorie goals, I could never stick with this. Moderation? I can do that. Cutting out things I really like? Not so much.
You can't really spot reduce but squats are good for firming up or losing inches around the thighs and booty.
Same! I like to check my progress just to see how my day's looking, but I only note down one weigh-in a week on here, and that's on Tuesdays.
"When you're climbing stairs and you miss a step, do you pick yourself up and keep climbing, or do you kick up a fit and throw yourself back down?" I know it's a little trite, but that quote, plus the fact that I need to get into a friggin' bridemaid's dress by October, is keeping me on the right path.
I'm the same, I stall and plateau, then jump down by like 5 pounds all at once. I think I need to relax and start eating at TDEE -20%, I started at 1200 cal/day, so it feels weird being encouraged to eat more.
People who don't know I'm dieting are starting to notice and compliment me. I'm already out of plus sizes. I can do aerobic stuff I haven't been capable of since high school! I still hate running but at least now I can do it for more than ten seconds.
More power to the people who put up their own pics, but I'd rather be judged for having a comic character as my avatar than for my face or body. :P
None of the "dance off the inches" videos are very intense from what I've seen of them, and this one looks about the same. here's an everywoman review of the one you're looking at, just in case it helps. The actual content comes about 3 minutes in.
these sound amazing! I'm totally trying them tomorrow!
Usually nothing, but we have this tasty pomegranate and tangerine sherbet in the house right now and sometimes I can't help myself, I'll go well out of my way just so I can fit a cup or two of it into my calorie budget. I live in the desert, ice cream is part of how I survive the summer months! I weakened and bought some…
Ah, it sucks but dinner will probably only set you back a few hundred calories. Eat it, enjoy it, log it, and carry on! Your PMS will pass and so will your red number day. :)
Someone I know is exactly the same way - the number on the scale seems to reflect her self-worth at times. If it's hurting you that much, get rid of the stupid thing! Do weekly weigh-ins at the gym or just concentrate on something with less fluctuation, like the inches you're losing or the improvement you're seeing.
Even if you eat thousands of calories over your goal, it's just going to be for this one special day. It's a celebration, enjoy yourself! You know you're not going to throw all your progress out the window in 24 hours, so treat yourself and don't feel bad. And have a good time at the wedding!
I don't, and I don't think I'll ever LIKE exercise, but I like the feeling of accomplishment I get from getting in there and putting in a good day's workout. Also the results, I've dropped 20 pounds as of today and people are starting to notice. :)