TimeforPimms Member


  • Used to weigh myself daily, but it was leading to an awful pattern where if I'd gained any from the day before, I'd want to restrict my eating too much. Then inevitably I'd snap a few days in to my more restricted diet, and binge. Weighing once a week works much better for me. It makes me think in broader terms so I don't…
  • Well, I used to despise tea, but then I spent a long while in England and they got to me :P So now I'm kind of addicted to Twinings English Breakfast. With milk, and sugar. I'm never really thinking of the health angle when I drink it to be honest, it's just a tic now. Watching TV? Must have tea! Someone just came over? Oh…
  • My husband has caught me standing in front of the fridge, under the pretense of "finding something healthy to eat," shoveling frosting into my maw with my bare hands. And then I licked my sticky, chocolatey fingers clean like a child. I was so unapologetic. So I feel your pain (/hedonistic delight).
  • Vegetarian here for...I've forgotten, I think a decade? I believe I switched over when I was 13, so it's been a long time! My husband is a veg too (not on MFP), and admittedly, he is the better one of the two of us when it comes to finding and cooking up new meat-free recipes. Anyone here can feel free to add me :)
  • Hummus, for sure! As long as I have some pita or vegetables and a tub of hummus, I'm good. Probably go through a tub a week, if not more, so it shows up on the grocery list every single time.
  • 23, will be 24 in September. Anyone can add me :)