Great Job!
Great Job
Dear younger me, You are not fat.. Don't settle for one boy in high school, date others and in college don't jump into that other relation ship. Have fun and probably study more...
That's fantastic :)
hmmm no one else knows what this is??
That is great! What did you do? A certain plan, diet? We have the same goal weight!! :)
That is amazing!!
Think I figure out what that is..
Kelico- Amiee Teagarden
Haha, that would be fun, but no.. Teacher.. He was at our school talking about bullying!!
No-slash zone what does that mean... and what is silversnitch?
You welcome...
You can basically join and make a character to do classes and fun Harry Potter things :)
It's a website
That is amazing! Great Job and I love the Harry Potter stuff :)
Love pinterest!!
I was teased in school a bit, but never I don't feel bullied. Back then maybe I would have said yes bullied, but looking back I would say probably not, just picked on a bit. As a teacher now I feel bullying is getting worse and worse since kids can not just leave it at school. With the internet it has become more harmful…
I have one child and I do work, but I understand what you mean I have been on and off with a second one for awhile, but my weight has been an excuse to wait. I have two dogs that I had gotten that helped fill that void for a least a little while.
I understand.. I am feeling this way right now as well. I am so fed up with the up and down, but I say I'm going to change and then without even thinking go back to my old habits. It's so frustrating.. I'm ready to throw in the towel with the entire process.. So don't feel to bad your not alone.
I do, but I need to stop.. It depresses me every time and that is usually my down hill spiral. With Easter and TOM being the same I was up a few pounds so now I'm really frustrated..
Great Job!
That's how I feel today as well...
I love this :) You could do a paint splatter..
Have you tried to switch meds? Try drinking more, but if they keep up and are not going away with meds please, please, please see a doctor just to make sure it is nothing more. I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to headaches I don't like to play around with them...
Great Job
Great Job
Awesome Job! I have to say the first thought that came in my head when I saw your beginning picture is you looked like Daryl from Storage Wars.. Love that show.. Keep up the fantastic work!