

  • I couldn't have said it better than Jessie did right there! I tell people (even though some find it harder to believe than others) that I'm not trying to lose weight to fit some standard of what attractive or "healthy" should look like. We are taking charge of our bodies and making ourselves stronger, fitter, and generally…
  • Thanks. That's a lot of help. I'm thinking of making a card, since I never remember good lines (there's even a word in french for the kind of humor you think up as you're walking down the stairs after an interaction). I think it will say something like "I realize I might look ridiculous. I look better when my face is not…
  • Hey, I was wondering if I could get a little community support. I was at my gym, and so far, that's been a pretty good experience. We don't have any "health at any size" type gyms here (switzerland), but being left to just be a sweaty mess is fine enough for me. And of course, that wasn't to be. I was approached by a…
  • So THAT'S how they make it! Thank you! I feel somehow more Swiss...
  • Hello Group! Just wanted to introduce myself: I'm an MA student living in Switzerland, a country where body acceptance isn't so very common in the larger sizes (like myself), and women got the right to vote in all counties some time in the early 1990s. When I go out for a run, I'm either jeered at for being too large, or…
  • Sorry to interrupt. I hope I am using this thread appropriately. If not, someone please tell me. This may seem awkward, or, at least, it feels that way for me. I really don't like talking about my lack of fitness. I'm from the States, and I sort of thought that by living in the Alps, my office-job body would just sort of…