angelamuse Member


  • Yay! I am loving it so far! Hope you do too!
    in T-25 Comment by angelamuse July 2013
  • Have you moved to the next level then? :)
    in T-25 Comment by angelamuse July 2013
  • I am on week 2 day 1 too! I am about to get my Cardio on. Thanks for the friend add. I look forward to cheering you on. Are you following the nutrition plan or supplementing a meal with Shakeology?
    in T-25 Comment by angelamuse July 2013
  • I'm an American and I feel no need to carry a gun while running. I do carry pepper spray, but this is because I was attacked by a dog once by running. I run in citites, town, trails, etc and have never felt scared or like I needed a gun. Isn't it a fact that more people are killed with their own handgun then protected?
  • I didn't "give up" anything. Once I am told I can't have something I want it so much more. I did learn to moderate and portion control. For example, bread is only 1 serving a day, cheese is only 1 oz a day preferably low-fat. I actually added things to my diet like more protein, fruits and veggies. Before I would have some…
  • I don't eat the yolks as they are too high in cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol or a family history of it you should not eat the yolks, just the whites. I just learned this from my doctor. I know it seems like a waste, but I prefer it to a heart attack later in life!
  • I was always told first to come last to regarding the tummy. Diet really does help the tummy go away. Lots of protein, high fiber, low carbs. I still have a tummy, but it is slowly disappearing. It does seem like it takes forever. Oh yeah, if you booze, that kills all efforts of flattening your mid-section.
  • Married for 6 years and together for 10. The thing with marriage is that it is not easy. Everyday it is work and it takes commitement. There are always reasons for a divorce like abuse or cheating, but to me anything else can be worked through. :)
  • After a year of struggle I just hit 160 and want to be low 150's/high 140's by my mid-July vacation. I will join you on your quest! :smile:
  • I am the same as you. I read that it doesn't matter how many crunches you do that what you put in your mouth and being active is the most important thing to losing belly fat. Once you lose weight then you can tighten up. I did read the "flat abs" diet and have implemented some of their ideas and they seem to be helping.…
  • I was told that same thing by a PT. The way it was explained to me is how your body processes carbs vs. protein. She said that even fruit late at night is bad b/c of how it is broken down in the body. You are better off having an ounce of low-fat cheese. Sorry I don't have the exact answer, but hopefully am reassuring! I…
  • To lose weight you can not eat back the calories you burned. Try to keep your calories between 1200-1400. (1200 on the days you don't exercise and 1400 on the days you hit it really hard.) I had this SAME question when I started and I asked my friend who is a PT. Good luck and congrats on starting the site!
  • If you know how to track your food then you can track your exercise. Also, you could write a blog. That is supposed to help motivate people when trying to lose weight. Don't quit when you have come this far. It isn't worth all the sacrificing you have done so far!! :smile:
  • Congratulations on beginning to see the results! That helps make your journey so much easier! Keep up the good work and "good riddance" to a few other areas too! :)
  • Shari, Naturally, we are a lot like toddlers as far as eating goes. If we eat hardly anything, we will go through a "pig out" phase. It's just the way it works. Typically, you gain at least the weight you lost back, if not more. (The way it works is if you don't eat a lot it is easier to pack on the pounds b/c your body…
  • I will try to talk you down, but you have all the power! :) Just do something, anything, to get your mind off of it. Whatever your favorite thing is. Call a friend, go for a walk, heck even clean. Just try not to think about it. The thing about cutting calories is you are shrinking your stomach and eventually, you will be…
  • I am fortunate enough not to have that situation. To be honest, it sounds like you need to possibly ignore these people for a while and surround yourself with more positive people. You want to be with people where if you are having a weak moment will encourage you to grab carrot sticks and not chocolate cake, lol!
  • Hi! I live in Ephrata and have a 3 y.o. daughter and 1 y.o. son and am always looking for a work out buddy if you are still interested!
  • Welcome and good luck! Remember to stay determined. I know you will find this sight helpful and beneficial!