devilbutt Member


  • Thanks for the advice. I don't tinhk I will be going to the doctor for depression, its a good thought, but I have had depression in the past and really didn't like being on the drugs, I think I just need to do what sharidiane said and start off small and work my way through as it really is too much for me tho think about…
    in help! Comment by devilbutt May 2011
  • Hello. This is my 4th day of doing the fat burning express before i complete the power 90, so far nothing has changed with me, not like i expect it to right away... You want to make sure that your calorie goal is enough for your body so your body don't go into starvation mode. eat every 2-3 hours, and make sure your…
  • ya I was just about to say that I wouldn't be the best person to get that kind of advice from.
  • hello, my name is Nicole. I joined this site to aide me in calorie counting, and weight loss as i complete the power 90 and power 90 extreme.