Coffee and cookies?
9.99 nice white teeth
I'm sitting here thinking of what I should write While being so hungry haven't eaten all night My tummy it grumbles it sound like storm Until I eat my oats all gluggy and warm
Really good pose
Carbs are great for the energy levels so don't cut them too much. I just try and hit my fat and protein minimums then leave the rest to whatever. If you were an a very low calorie intake then cutting carbs is probably best.
This is true!
Probably lol
Can't get enough of Breaking Bad
Excellent selfie!
The's all I got!
The bike for sure
I'm sorry but I'd run
Great armour!
Nice eyes :)
Bulks need to be pretty slow to minimise fat which is what I've just started. My previous bulk was way too aggressive which obviously lead to excess fat. I then cut from 200 lb down to my current 176 lb. My plan now is to bulk for well over a year at a rate of around .5 lb a week. Hopefully this keeps excess fat down (I…
Nice specs
Once a week for me every Friday morning. Problem is if you do it every day your weight can fluctuate as much as 2-4 kgs just from water weight alone.
Nice beard!
I don't usually eat before 12pm because I just don't get hungry before then so I like it that way. I like being able to have more food in the afternoon. I don't think when you eat matters but what you eat. I also like to workout fasted for some reason also.
It will ask you how many serves are in it as you enter a recipe. Hope that helps!
Is that 1 word or 2?