

  • Cranston, George. "Organic vs. Conventional Foods." Health Guidance. Health Guidance, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <http://www.healthguidance.org/entry/ 16317/1/Organic-vs-Conventional-Foods.html>. In this article they talk about organic vs conventonal food. Everyone assumes organic food is better. The thing is that no body…
  • After watching the movie I feel like the food I am eating is junk. The government is basically force feeding us GMO's because they keep making it harder and harder for organic farmers to sell their crop, let alone grow it. Monsanto is basically untouchable thanks to the government. GMO foods are basically the new normal.…
  • My goal is to eat healthier and get my body fat percentage down to 14%
    in Welcome Comment by WadeLander April 2013
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