I had a personal trainer for about two weeks. Through the gym, 24 Hour Fitness, the rate was about $45. After attending several classes that the gym offerred, I noticed that I was burning just as much, if not more calories. I really had to think about it. I'm paying my gym fees along with trainer fees? RIDICULOUS!!! Make…
I agree with Jemma!!
Welcome to MFP. We all have our own personal weight struggles *smile* You will love this site. People can ve very encouraging.
Welcome to MFP Patti! You will definitely enjoy the tools that are on this website!
That is so smart to overestimate; thanks elvbierbaum.
Belle after today, I thought about the same thing. :wink: Thanks dgfurman; I saw that too. Thanks for the advice kappyblu.
Thank you for the feedback. Since I've been watching what I eat, etc. I've cooked more at home so that I can KNOW what I consume :smile: However, I like to reward/treat myself every once in a while.
:happy: Welcome. Stay excited.
Hello and Welcome. Stay positive and take things one day at a time.
Sounds great Shar. The more support the better!
It's good to know I'm not alone in this fitness and eating healthy journey.