

  • I'm in! Sugar is really my kryptonite. I can eat anything without/low salt but when it comes to sugar I'm like an addict. I can't really explain the feeling. It's like there's something missing. Like you just have these urges and temptations just to find anything sugary. I remember when I first started losing weight. I cut…
  • I have thoughts of investing in one but I have no idea how to use it. I mean what is the guideline - eg; if I eat oats how many grams of oats I should eat? This stuff I don't really know so there's no use of buying if u don't know how to use it. The scale would just end up collecting dust. I think I would appreciate it if…
  • Just a report on my progress. I can go through almost an hour of workout now though not really high in intensity. I think my body just need time to adjust. And I think you guys are right about my body goes into shock since I've only recovered from illness. I have also taken your advice on adding a little more carbs-I eat…
  • 1) I always have difficulty sleeping. For eg; if i go to sleep at 11, i would still find myself awake at 1/2. I just deduce that i finally asleep at 3. 2) I never figure out how to count calorie so to make it easier for me i just have a smal bowl/plate. @katielou112 - i cut out all rice n just eat protein like fish/chicken…
  • I was thinking of doing a 2 hour long (continuous cardio) workout but after reading comments by all the sifu here; I changed my mind. The longest be a 90min workout. I'm gonna stick to my formula of cardio day and strength training day. Perhaps gonna up with the weight training to break the plateau. Do not want to…
    in Long Workouts Comment by shq86 May 2014
  • Hasfit as in coach Kozak? He's great! I don't really follow his workout plans i.e, Warrior 90, Get in shape in 30, etc. I used his workout videos in my own weight loss program. I became serious of losing weight last year and in 3 months (more or less) I managed to lose up to 15 kilos. If not for my own fault I gained a lil…
    in HasFit Comment by shq86 May 2014