

  • Well I was pretty sure it was the Dad, how wrong was I! Fantastic series, reminded me of The Killing a bit. really pleased it will be back and that Olivia Coleman who is an amazing actress (I used to see her at a pub in East Dulwich all the time!) is still in any new series. There's some good telly on at the moment.. :D
  • 1. Where were you born? Birkenhead - UK 2. Where do you live at the moment? London 3. Where else have you lived? Nowhere exciting! 4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Property stuff. Dream job? Something outdoors. 5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :) 1) I would lick Marmite off anything…
  • Wow thank you for such a great welcome! Nice to see so many motivated people. I'm inspired! I'm cycling mainly to commute to work, its quite an easy ride and I enjoy it. I get a bit stressed having to get changed etc every morning. All I seem to be doing is laundry! Its the London marathon today I think I might go down and…