lesleed Member


  • Hi! I'm a bit older than you, 38, but otherwise same boat! I'm a sahm, homeschooling 4 kids ages 6-13. I've been on MFP forever, but finally decided I need to get my butt in gear. My birthday is at the end of October, and my goal is to have a complete lifestyle change by NEXT October when I turn 40. Trying not to rush the…
  • Can I join? I am a 36 year old mom to 4 kids. I have an 11yr old girl, 10yr old boy, 5 yr old girl and 3yr old boy. Until about a month ago my motivation was severely lacking. After my last baby I wanted to get back in shape, but just couldn't get motivated! I am in a good place right now, but I just want to keep it going.…
  • Congrats Ceejay! My husband just finished residency and I remember how nerve wracking Match Day was for us! Hope you had a great time!
  • I totally blew the "no-eating out" part of the challenge today. Hubby was off and wanted to take the kids out to breakfast, then after skiing, and swimming, it was late so we stopped on the way home too! Oh well. I got in PLENTY of extra exercise!! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Angela, My kids and I do the same thing! It's super fun and definitely an added workout! Hope you're feeling better soon! -Lesley
  • I'm in! Hoping this will help get me back in gear! SW 160 GW 148
  • Weighing in for the end of the challenge. My start weight was 165 goal was 155. I ended at 160 so I didn't make it :( I have had such a tough time getting re-motivated. I think i'm there now though. Can't wait to start the new challenge!
  • I took my kids to McDonalds today as well. They had earned a "special treat" from points they've been collecting and that was what they wanted. I couldn't believe how UNAPPEALING it was to me! I actually felt kinda sick. The funny thing is that not one of my kids actually finished their Happy Meal. When a 7 and 8 year old…
  • Weighing in (and trying to get back on track!) I'm up 2 lbs this week. UGH! SW 165 CW 162 GW 155
  • Finally found a scale! A day late, but better late than never. I didn't gain, which is great after that horrific week last week. But, I didn't lose either. CW: 160
  • Hi everyone, just realized we changed threads! After a week of funeral "stuff", too much family and food (why do people bring SO MUCH GOOD FOOD :) when someone dies?) I am back. We needed a change of scenery so took off for the beach for the week. Good news is that there is a gym right here for me to keep working out. Bad…
  • Hi everyone, after a week of funeral "stuff", too much family and food (why do people bring SO MUCH GOOD FOOD :) when someone dies?) I am back. We needed a change of scenery so took off for the beach for the week. Good news is that there is a gym right here for me to keep working out. Bad news is there is no scale. I am…
  • Thanks everyone. It is a difficult time, but it makes me want to get healthy that much more! My father-in-law ignored his high cholesterol for 10 years, and it killed him. It just was so fast in the end. He sure didn't seem sick. It is amazing how fast life can change. As for weigh in day, I didn't blow it too bad. I was…
  • Thanks for the breastfeeding info everyone. I'm sure it will be helpful. I am not looking forward to weigh in day tomorrow. I was doing great, being careful, and hadn't had any slip ups. But today was a total flop. My father-in-law died today, suddenly. I have always been an emotional eater, and I totally lost it today. I…
  • Hi all, I managed to drink all 8 glasses of water today. Woo hoo! That has always been tough for me. Amazingly, I have already noticed one change. I have been so congested the past few days because I have a sinus infection, but I swear the water helped clear some of it out! On the down side, I have had to go to the…
  • Hi everyone, my kids and I have been sick with the flu all week, so I haven't gotten in much exercise but I sure have been drinking a lot of water! I hope to jump right back in this weekend and see how it goes! Good job to all of you who have been keeping up with the daily challenges!!!!! Can't wait to join you!
  • That is awesome! I am fairly new to MFP also, and I also have 4 kids. They are 8, 7, 2, 7mo. It sure doesn't leave a lot of time for taking care of myself. I have about 40 lbs I want to lose. I'm hoping to set a good example for my kiddos. Good luck to you!!!
  • I wanna join in! It sounds like fun!
  • I want to join! Start weight today 163lbs. Goal weight for March 14 155 lbs. Thanks for the motivation! I am so excited to start this today!!!
  • I'd love to hear about that too!
  • I have a pull-up bar that goes in the door frame. It works well, and so far hasn't damaged the trim. My husband is very conscious about stuff like that, and he even approves of it. It has like padding on the areas that go against the wall and trim, and little rubber ends to tighten it down. Good luck!
  • bumping for later!
  • I am trying very hard to do the same! I have 4 little ones and I want to set a good example for them. Good luck!
  • I used to have the exact same problem! I started drinking more water which I was always really bad about before. It definitely helped. Good luck!!
  • Wow, that is such a shame. You would think she would be happy for you and maybe get motivated a bit herself. I have had issues in the past with friends just "disappearing" from my life. It is really difficult and painful. I hope it all works out for you! Good luck and keep up the great progress!
  • Hi good luck! I just joined too. I'm so glad to have other people to help stay motivated!
  • I just started on Monday (the 31st). I am so excited to have made it thru the first week, but OH AM I SORE!!! I am glad to see I am not the only one!
  • Thanks for the info. I'm excited to finally be working towards something again! Tomorrow is Day 6 and everything is already killing me, (especially my abs, which after 4 kids are practically non-existent!).