superginge1 Member


  • Thank you for all your help everyone!! I might also treat myself to a nice coffee with my cookie!
  • I calculated my bmr and this is 1745 and based on my activity it says I should east 2,704.75 cals a day (20% less to lose weight). 2100 cals just seems like a lot to eat whilst dieting and it is very difficult to eat that much in a day because fruit and veg fills me up so much!
  • Thank you for your help! Do you think it would be better for me to aim for 1 1/2 pounds loss a week rather than 2 which would give me 1400?
  • Yes I never noticed how much sugar honey has in it! One question though, is sugar from fruit as bas as sugar from a yogurt for example? I have had days where I have eaten lots of fruit and hardly anything else with sugar in and it still says I'm over!