esmesqualor Member


  • Hah! My brother lived in Holland for many years and the the first time I visited him he asked what I wanted for breakfast. I replied, "How about a typical Dutch breakfast?" His reply, " Sure, that's a cup of coffee and a cigarette!". LOL
  • There is sometimes an allergy-like response when you give up foods that are causing you problems that your body has compensated for. For instance, some people respond with body wide inflammation to the vegetables in the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers). This can be causing low grade skin eruptions,…
  • Thanks a bunch! I will check those out.
  • Thanks! I will try increasing my weight training and see what happens. This is a much more complicated process than it was in my 20s and 30s! I used to weigh between 145 and 155 and got less exercise and had a sedentary job!
  • All fats are not created equal when it comes to things like cholesterol numbers. Avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil are all good ways to raise your HDL (a good thing), while many animal fats can raise LDL and triglycerides (a bad thing). This is not to say that the calories differ between "healthy" and "non healthy" fats.
  • You must be kind to yourself! 8 week old twins and an 11 month old! My goodness girl, feed your body with lots of very healthy foods. And, if you are breastfeeding you need even more calories. Your body may not be quite ready to lose weight yet. Try tracking your food and eating as healthy as you can with nutrient dense…
  • I had my calorie goal set to 1200 per day also (I am a woman, 51 years, 5'9" 180lbs), and my weight would go down a pound, up a pound. Everybody kept telling me to make sure I was weighing and measuring (and I was). I finally had my BMR checked and it is pretty low (1307). So my first instinct was to reduce calories even…
  • Try soaking 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and 1 tablespoon of flax seed in a glass of water the night before. In the morning add the whole glass to your smoothie, before blending (along with 3 or 4 leaves of raw kale). That, along with whatever your normal chocolate smoothie ingredients are should help. Be sure you have…
  • Good plan! Also, drinking plenty of water does help you in general. Being hydrated will help your body function more smoothly overall, giving you more energy, reducing the possibility of confusing thirst for hunger, keeping you from retaining too much water (seems backwards but true, as long as you have healthy renal…
  • Wow, that is so interesting! I just had my Base Metabolic rate checked (breathing method) and mine is 1354. The nutritionist at the hospital did recommend that I might be trying to keep my calories too low (1200, but usually come in closer to 1300). I didn't give it any regard since I am not losing all that quickly and my…
  • Oh yeah! Thanls for reminding meow Shiritake, I totally stopped buying them. They are great! I like to make a soup with wild mushrooms, boo chou, thinly sliced leek, thinly sliced daikon, broth and shiritake. You can even sprinkle with dried bonito flakes.
  • I am also set to 1200 cals (51 years old, 5'9"). Because I am a very slow loser. My days usually come in closer to 1300 or even 1350, which is fine. I need to not be starving and if it takes a little longer but is more comfortable then it is worth it. For me the key is preparing my own food and eating lots (really lots) of…
  • My doc gave me a good tip: "intentional" exercise is the only thing to log. Not gardening, painting, walking the dog, vacuuming, etc... you get the idea. These are all "living life" activities and you always do them. I used to have that quandry because I am a landscaper. If I log my regular work activities it's a crazy…
  • Be careful eating that much tuna. The mercury is a real concern. My friend's daughter ended up with mercury poisoning from eating a can of tuna 5 days a week for several months.
  • I think just try looking up unsweetened coconut milk and defatted coconut flour....that's a tough one, but I sure love homemade coconut milk!!! The homemade flour I have not had such great luck with using; I'd love to hear how yours turned out (mine is always really dry).
  • I use kitchen scissors, cut out the spine and cut it in to thin strips, then I cut the spines in to little pieces. This can be sautéed or "massaged" for a minute w olive oil and lemon juice for a delicious salad. I really like it and I think it's nice to have a variety of vegetables. I would get tired of broccoli being the…
  • In a heavy, ovenproof pot with a lid: On top of stove on medium heat: 6 boneless, skinless, chicken breast halves, 1 onion, chopped, i head of purple cabbage, chopped, 1 small head of cauliflower (or broccoli), chopped, 3 large carrots, chopped, several cloves of garlic-minced, thyme, salt, pepper, splash or three of…
  • I just meant that she was asking for recipes not opinions on her choice to eliminate sugar. And, she obviously means processed sugar, not whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc...
  • Reflux is often food sensitivity related.....
  • Good response! Why all the judging people?
  • It will work but you probably won't feel very good. One of the wonderful things about journaling your food is it gives you the opportunity to look at how you really eat and revamp your diet. Adding healthy foods to your daily intake (lots of fruits and veggies) will make you feel great and will help keep you full, so…
  • You'd be surprised how much protein is in whole grains, seeds, and legumes. I personally think the American diet is a bit too high in protein. About .8 of a gram per lb of body weight is a healthy amount of protein for "normal" folks (not pregnant, lactating, or heavy training). I have seen sights that recommend 2g per lb…
  • It is too bad that this discussion became so contentious. There are many things we really do not fully understand about health. Studies are difficult because people do not exist in a vacuum; we are not perfect, we do eat things we are not "supposed" to eat and measuring the health of a race of people based on their…
  • 5'10" 51 years old Current weight 184 Goal weight 150-155 I weighed between 140 and 155 up until my 40s....10 years of losing a few and gaining them back over and over; I am ready to get rid of all the extra weight!
  • My daughter and grand-daughter arrive tomorrow for 10 days. This will be a good food period for me. My daughter eats a completely whole foods, plant-based diet, really nothing processed (except organic almond milk and sprouted whole grain bread). I will use it to get back on track!
  • Last week I had a planned, fairly minor surgery. My body did not like it, ended up very ill and in husband's care taking seems to involve lots of treats..... Just for today (even though it is half over): I will stay present, so my choices are conscious I will prep some fruit for a treat this evening so I don't eat…
  • My weekend was bad! Too many family get-togethers, and though I did much of the cooking I was not careful with my portions and I did not entirely avoid the foods I planned to avoid. In general I am feeling that my cravings are hormonal (peri-menopause) and I am having much more trouble than ever before staying on track!!…