

  • The covernment could careless about anyone... They only see it as more money to them... Lets get the people who don't have insurance pay for insurance but lets have the people who work pay for it too. Can anyone say Double Dipping? You can get "Cheap Insurance" if you don't have insurance on their website but then it will…
  • Ooooh your surgery date is so close!!! I tried for years always lost but always gained it back. I had my VSG on 8/19/13 so about 6 weeks out and I love it. I have lost about 24 pounds but the one thing is that I feel like I'm getting my life back. I feel so much happier. Good luck to you and keep us posted!
  • At Two Weeks out I was told not to worry to much about protein but to try and drink one Isopure Clear Liquid drink or one shake a day. I was told to make sure my water intake was good though. I think they are more worried about Dehydration then your intake of protein... It wasn't till about week 4 I was able to drink two…
  • Hi I'm Deseree, I had the Sleeve done on 8/19/13 and as of today 9/24/13 I have lost 20 pounds!. I lost a few before surgery too. I'm on my first stall BLAH!!! LOL I live in Inglewood CA. Kaiser Insurance with Dr Um