

  • It's women like you that give me the confidence that I can do it. I'm just about, a little heavier, than you were at your heaviest and I my goal is just about where you are now. And it sucks, I want it now, and I get discouraged so quickly. But this time, it's different. I want to do it. and reading the success stories…
  • Oh, and as for the eating disorder part. It really depends. I didn't have an eating disorder. I mean, I guess to some people you could call it that, but I don't think so. I could call it more like a phase. But, it really depends on who you are. For me, I was just so wrapped up in trying to lose weight that I was being too…
  • Just because you eat doesn't mean you're going to gain weight. Trust me. There was a time where I literally was doing the EXACT same thing. I would keep my calories at least 500 or below. Burn it all off and then have dinner. Which never was much. It's not healthy for you. You're not getting all the things you need that…
  • Every one of you can add me if you'd like! :3 I just started yesterday!!
  • I'm glad I found this. I was just thinking the same thing. I had a banana with my breakfast this morning and then another one with some strawberries as a mid morning pick me up and I'm over as well. Like everyone else said, I think I would rather have it come from a banana rather than some cookies. :)
  • Yeah, I'm actual very fortunate to have a pretty normal BP of 135/82. I don't consider myself lazy but I'm not as active as I could be and I'm a terrible eater. So, I'm hoping that eating better will bring my weight down. I'm good at at least keeping it steady. I don't yoyo or anything. Basically I'm hoping since I'm good…
  • You guys are absolutely amazing. And I will definitely add you all! I'm actually surprised with all the positive feedback so quickly. I definitely need more people in my situation to talk to. And you guys have my permission, that if I start to slack, to kick my butt back into gear and to get going again. My first day is…