Sugar in Fruit



  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    You could also try eating fruit lower on the glycemic scale. Bananas and tropical fruits are loaded in sugar, but berries and such are much better.

    I second this.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    MFP micro defaults are ridiculous. Sugar is sugar and your body doesn't care if it comes from a candy bar or an apple. That said, nobody packs on the pounds because they eat too many oranges.

    Worry more about your macros and ignore the micros unless you are diabetic or something.
  • atheen
    atheen Posts: 3 Member
    Supposedly the whole fruit comes with fiber which mitigates the effects of the sugar by modifying insulin activity; in short how it is used or not used.
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    Very timely discussion--I too am shocked at how I am between 50-100% over on my sugar limit while everything else is in check--even sodium. And a typical day for me is non fat milk, an apple and 2 sq of dark chocolate. A banana is more sugar than the chocolate I eat! I am slowly shifting to more veggies--but of course I like carrots the best... At the end of the day I need my latte and I don't think an apple a day is really "bad" for I am going to not get all hung up on it. What I am noticing is how much sugar my kids eat even though I don't allow candy in the house (well..other than dark chocolate) and we don't do soda either.
  • atheen
    atheen Posts: 3 Member
    I try to monitor the pie chart more; as long as my carbs, fats and proteins are close to their respective proportions I'm happy. With the data charts, I watch things like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. I have a hard time keeping up my potassium. It's harder to do than keeping my sodium low. The former is important for heart muscle and nerve function, and the latter effects my blood pressure which is borderline hypertensive. Fruits, of course, are generally high in potassium, or so I've heard, but they're not nearly high enough so far as I've seen.
  • space_case
    space_case Posts: 89 Member
    I don't really have a reason to track sugar if I track my macros.

    I stopped tracking my sugar and sodium and started tracking calcium and fiber.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    i'm with you, i go over all the time... I really watch my sodium, protein (sort of), calories, and fiber intake... sugar just kind of falls where it will
  • I'm glad I found this. I was just thinking the same thing. I had a banana with my breakfast this morning and then another one with some strawberries as a mid morning pick me up and I'm over as well.

    Like everyone else said, I think I would rather have it come from a banana rather than some cookies. :)
  • SIMA80
    SIMA80 Posts: 60 Member
    Personally, when it comes to sugars in fresh fruit and veggies...I dont care too much about it...but thats just me...refined and processed sugars are the ones that I worry about...
  • thecraftinista
    thecraftinista Posts: 66 Member
    Good info! I had a large apple today, and that alone put me over! Yikes!
  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    Also, I go over all the time, and its generally from fruits. So, I would focus more on your macros and your nutrients.
  • healthhiro
    healthhiro Posts: 18 Member
    I loved the video "Sugar - The Bitter Truth". Amazing.